Prayers For Divine Direction

Table of Contents

Psalm 119:105 “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path”.

Are you about to make an important decision in your life and you need divine direction? You need these prayers for divine direction and guidance.

Are you planning to change your career path but you are not sure of what exactly to do next?

Are you overburdened with the issues of life and you do not know exactly what to do next in life? The bible assures us that the Holy Spirit has been given to us believers not just as our comforter but also as our guide (John 14:26).

As children of God we don’t always have to make mistakes to gather experience, the holy spirit is always available to lead and guide us as we go through life (Isaiah 30:18)

Many have started up a business that folded up months later due to lack of guidance and direction,

so many have entered into relationship without seeking divine direction and guidance hence the relationship has landed them into unpleasant circumstances

When Should I Seek Divine Direction And Guidance?

Before you sign that business deal, seek divine guidance!

Before you enter into that partnership, seek divine direction and before you enter into that relationship, ask for God’s counsel concerning your life!

The bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6), in this case, the Bible is not speaking about just any kind of knowledge, it has to do with knowing the mind of God regarding every decision you want to make in life.

Why Do I Need To Seek Divine Direction And Guidance

You may be wondering: but why do I need to consult God or seek His face before making decision about my life, the bible says in Jeremiah 9:11 that “I know the thought that I think toward you, thoughts of good and not of evil to bring you an expected end”

Here God says “He knows” another scripture says in Jeremiah 1:5, that before God formed Jeremiah in his mother’s belly, He knew Jeremiah and ordained him a prophet, in the same way, before God formed you in your mother’ womb, He knew you and ordained you for a purpose,

Therefore, when you are making decisions in life, you must learn to seek God’s direction and follow it, so you don’t end up frustrating the plan of God for your life

Recall the case of Samson, if he had sought the face of God and asked for direction, he wouldn’t have found himself in the trap of delilah, rather delilah would have been exposed as the phillistine spy, but because Samson went in his own way he fell into the trap and cut short his own destiny of been a great judge in Israel.

David on the other hand when faced with a serious life decision ran to God for divine direction and the Lord gave him the guidance which led to David’s victory (1 Samuel 30:8)

A man who lives carelessly without direction and guidance from God is just like a ticking time bomb, after a while, he may find himself in a terrible life situation.

Do you desire to be successful in life? Are you trusting God to have a life free from errors and regrets?

Do you desire to soar in destiny when others are crawling?

Say these powerful prayers for divine direction and guidance, and as you do so, may the Lord hear you and lead you in the way to go always in Jesus mighty name.

Lets proceed to the prayers for divine direction and guidance.

Prayers For Divine Direction And Guidance

  1. Oh lord I thank you for your mercy upon my life and my family
  2. Thank you father for your faithfulness and your kindness upon my life
  3. Thank you for your peace that surpasses all human understanding
  4. Thank you for your love that has kept me alive till this moment, all glory belongs to you.
  5. Thank you Jesus for your Word and assurance of divine direction in your Word
  6. Oh father please lead me in the way to go in this season in Jesus name
  7. I reject every form of manipulation meant to confuse me from the right path in Jesus name
  8. Father let all those assigned to confuse me be driven far away from me in Jesus name
  9. I shall know exactly what to do at the right time in Jesus name
  10. I receive spiritual insight to know when to act in line with my purpose in Jesus name
  11. I reject every demonic prophecy targeted against my clarity in life in Jesus name
  12. I separate myself from every source of confusion in Jesus mighty name
  13. Indecision shall not rob me of my blessings in Jesus name
  14. I shall not be slow in life and destiny in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  15. I decree that all in creation shall work in my favor in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  16. I refuse to embrace error in life, I shall know what to do and how to do it in Jesus name
  17. Lord send my way divine counsellors that will lead me out of every bad decision I have made, in Jesus name
  18. I reject all evil counsel that is against the promise of God for my life in Jesus name
  19. I shall not make decisions that will end my life in Jesus name
  20. I shall not make decisions that will make me lose my salvation in Jesus name
  21. Father let your light shine upon my life and please lead me in the path of righteousness in Jesus name
  22. Help me not to destroy my future because of ungodly pleasure in Jesus name
  23. Lord you know me, please speak to me in a way I will understand and know you are the one speaking in Jesus name
  24. I shall not invest wrongly in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  25. I shall not make wrong decisions concerning my marital journey in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  26. In the name of Jesus Christ, I shall not choose the wrong career path
  27. I receive the grace to focus on the right path God has laid for me in Jesus name
  28. In Jesus powerful name, I reject every ungodly pressure that will make me fall into error
  29. My life shall glorify God in all areas in Jesus name
  30. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers
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