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Deuteronomy 28:12 “The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none.

Are you seeking for a new job? Are you trusting God to position you in a new work environment where you can perform optimally? Have you been seeking for jobs for several years and it seems nothing is forth coming? Say these powerful prayers for job and the Lord shall surprise you greatly in this season in Jesus name.

Truly it can be quite frustrating when looking for jobs for several months or years and none is forth coming, especially if you have lot of responsibilities and bills to settle, God is saying to you this day: “Fear not, You will not be ashamed, be not confounded for you shall not be disgraced (Isaiah 54:4) God is indeed able to provide you a good and safe job that will bring you rest on every side (James 1:17)

You may have tried your best to secure jobs and it seems your efforts are not yielding any good result, be rest assured that as you take the prayers for job this day, the Lord shall pleasantly surprise you this week, with good news calls as regards new jobs, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

The Bible encourages us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17) that is, when things are going the way you want it to be, you must pray and when life seems to be going the other way you must also pray, so Prayer is one master key that opens several doors and settles lots of challenges, you must only ensure to pray in faith in order to receive answers from God as it is written in Matthew 21:22.

Also while you are praying, you must ensure to keep yourself updated with the right information, knowledge and skills that you need to be relevant in the present day, many graduates are out there searching for jobs from a limited number of company, what makes you have a higher chance of getting that job is the unique skills that you have that others don’t have, this is why the scripture emphasized on knowledge when it says my people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6)

Knowledge of the Word of God also helps you understand your right in Christ and helps you maintain a godly standard even in the face of life challenges and temptations, therefore before we proceed to prayers for job, you must make up your mind to acquire present day skills and to study the Word of God more, in order to gain more knowledge of the Word of God. (Psalm 119:11)

Let’s proceed to the prayers for job

Powerful Prayers For Job

1. Father I bless your holy name for your mercy and your grace upon my life.
2. Thank you Lord for you are able to provide me the job that I need, all glory to you Lord.
3. Thank you Father for there is no impossibility with you, blessed be your righteous name.
4. Lord I am grateful for your great grace upon my life and my family.
5. Thank you Father for your glorious promises over my life
6. Thank you for destroying the plots of the wicked over my life, blessed be your holy name.
7. Thank you for your Word which is able to bring me out of every fear and worry
8. Father I bless your holy name for your good plans and thoughts for my life and my family, to you be all the glory Lord
9. Father I thank you for the job you have in store for me in this season blessed be your holy name in Jesus name
10. Thank you because your promises are very true and can always be trusted to you be all the glory in Jesus name.
11. Father please forgive me of all my sins and my iniquity and let your mercy speak fore in Jesus name
12. Lord Jesus please open doors of new jobs before me in this season in Jesus name
13. Lord Jesus let my name be mentioned in top places of the earth in Jesus name
14. Let my helpers remember me now to favor me in Jesus name
15. Let every thing in creation to work in my favor this season in Jesus name
16. I say no to financial lack and penury in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
17. Evil arrows aimed at my destiny go back and destroy your senders in Jesus name
18. Evil powers that have sworn that I will not take care of my parent and siblings, I come against you by the blood of Jesus Christ
19. Contending forces against my miracle I silence now by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
20. I move from lack to abundance this season in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
21. I move from been a beggar to been a giver to many in the name of Jesus
22. I decree that no weapon formed against me shall prosper in Jesus name
23. O shall not work in error in Jesus name
24. I shall pass every stage of any job interview I attend in Jesus name
25. I shall be preferred above my contemporaries in Jesus name

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“A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.” (Proverbs 18:16)

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