Prayers For Newly Elected Leaders. 

Table of Contents

Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Are you seeking for prayers for newly elected leaders? Do you feel led to pray for the leaders that have been or that will be elected into power? Say these prayers for newly elected leaders with all of your heart.

The Word of God admonishes us in 1 Timothy 2:1-4 that first of all, prayers, supplications should be made for those in authority, so we can leave peaceful lives.

Of a truth, without accurate prayers been made for our leaders, many of them may yield to pressure and act outside God’s will for our nation, they may also make some erroneous decisions that will affect us all, this is why we must always pray that the Lord will help them to lead us aright.


Prayers for newly elected leaders are not just for the new leaders that will be elected into office, but also for the those who have been in power already, as you say these prayers with all your heart, may the Lord cause there to be peace in your own life too in theighty name of Jesus Christ

Prayers For Newly Elected Leaders

1. Father we bless you for the gift of available men who are ready to serve, be thou exalted in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

2. Lord we glorify you for your merch upon our land and our leaders

3. Thank you Father for the great plans you have for our great nation

4. Thank you for the battles you have fought for us in times past

5. Thank you Lord for not allowing the enemies overthrow us

6. Lord we bless for peace and unity in our midst as a nation, that we all have not separated is only by your mercy

7. Thank you gracious God for taking away our reproach and shame

8. Thank you Lord for all the candidates that have shown interest in the various offices available

9. Thank you for the dates of the election and the system that has been put in place

10. Thank you Father for the past governments of this nation, to you be all glory in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

11. Lord I ask for your mercy, please show us your mercy in this nation

12. Father please forgive us of the sins of bloodshed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

13. Father please forgive us of all the atrocities that has been committed in the land

14. Lord please show us mercy for all the evils that the wicked ones have done in this land, let your mercy

15. Father please show us mercy for all the times we have disobeyed you in this land in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

16. Father please give us leaders that will fear you

17. Oh Lord please grant us leaders that will hear and obey you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

18. Lord we ask for leaders that will be mindful of the masses in the land in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

19. Lord please grant us leaders that will seek to please you rather than follow the wicked in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

20. Lord in your mercy, please provide us leaders that will lead us into prosperity, advancement and better economy in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

21. Father let every plan of the wicked to take over the upcoming elections be destroyed by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

22. Every plan of the wicked to destroy your chosen leaders for our land, is hereby destroyed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

23. Oh Lord please empower your chosen leaders to stand for righteousness always in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

24. Lord pleaae give them the courage to do the right thing always in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

25. Oh Lord please reveal to them the thoughts of the wicked before it happens in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

26. I soak our leaders in the pool of the blood of Jesus Christ

27. I decree that no weapon of darkness formed against our leaders shall prosper in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

28. I soak the family members of our leaders in the blood of Jesus Christ

29. The leaders of this nation shall not die before their time in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

30. Every demonic conspiracy against their lives is hereby nullified by the blood of Jesus Christ



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