Prayers To Command The Earth

Table of Contents

Are you seeking for prayers to command the earth in your favor? Do you desire that every step you take towards great things should yield in your favor? Have you tried many businesses but failed for no reason?

Do you often struggle to make ends meet even in areas where your contemporaries are excelling with ease? What you need is these prayers to command the earth, as you say them passionately, may the earth yield it’s increase to you this season in Jesus mighty name (Psalm 67:5-7)

You may be wondering, why is it important for me to command the earth to work in my favor? The bible says you shall decree a thing and it shall come to pass, which means what you don’t decree will likely not come to pass, commanding the Earth is a vital step you must take before going about your business on daily basis (Job 22:28)

It is commonly said that the spirit realm controls the physical realm and whatever you decree before you step out daily will go a long way spiritually in influencing the happenings in your day physically,

This is why as a believer you cannot afford to go out carelessly without commanding the day and the earth, and not only will you command the earth to yield to you divine blessings,

You will also command the earth to reject every demonic work that has been done against you and your family in the course of the night

As the Scripture says the weapon of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, many lives have been cut short as a result of demonic incantations and enchantments done by demonic personalities on the high ways, many lands have been enchanted to waste the blood and end the lives of many,

Therefore as a believer, you must be prepared ahead before you start your day, you must be intentional about how you want your day to play out, and one of the ways to achieve a blessed and fulfilling day is by saying these prayers to command the earth (2 Corinthians 10:4).

As you pray this day, may the Lord cause your enemies that rise against you to be smitten before your face and may He cause divine blessings to come your way so you can experience the daily load of benefits from God on a daily basis in Jesus mighty name (Deuteronomy 28:7&8, Psalm 68:19)

Let’s proceed to the prayers

Prayers To Command The Earth

1. Oh Lord I bless your name for your mercy and grace upon my life and my family

2. Thank you for making ways for me where there seems to be no way

3. Thank you Lord for been my sustainer and provider in these difficult season

4. 0 Lord I am grateful for your faithful promises that can always be trusted, blessed be your holy name

5. Father I am grateful for your overwhelming love over my life and my loved ones, thank you for not allowing the enemies prevail over us

6. Lord I am grateful for your peace that surpasses all human understanding, to you be all the praise Lord

7. Thank you for keeping watch over me against the works of the enemies

8. Thank you for not leaving me over to the wishes of my adversaries Lord

9. I ask Lord that you forgive me of all my sins and let your mercy speak for me in Jesus name

10. Father as I go out daily, let your presence go with me in Jesus name

11. I receive grace to always fellowship with you before going about my daily activities in Jesus name

12. Father please help me to live in your will this day in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

13. Oh earth I command you to swallow every author of evil around my life in Jesus name

14. Earth hear me as I hear the Lord I shall not weep in this season in Jesus name

15. I shall not lose my life even as I travel this season in Jesus name

16. O Earth I command you to frustrate every gathering of the evil ones concerning me and my family in Jesus name

17. O Earth I command all planners of evil around my life to be exposed and destroyed in Jesus name

18. O Earth I decree whoever plots disaster against me and my family swallow them up speedily in Jesus name

19. Every evil tongue arisen against my promotion in business, o Earth swallow them up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

20. O Earth I decree wherever my destiny helpers are, compel them to locate me now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

21. O Earth you shall not drink my blood and the blood of my family members in Jesus name

22. Oh earth hear me as I hear the Lord, you shall not receive my body or the bodies of my loved ones in Jesus name

23. O Earth I decree reject every evil incantation, and enchantment made upon you against my family in Jesus name

24. Oh earth frustrate the efforts of my adversaries concerning my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

25. Oh earth arise and swallow every unfriendly friend plotting my death in Jesus name

26. I decree oh earth that I shall not bury in you and I shall not be buried in Jesus mighty name

27. I decree oh earth I shall live to fulfil my days on earth in Jesus name

28. No matter how hard the enemies try, oh earth reject their plots in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

29. Oh earth I decree my days shall be long and prosperous on you in Jesus name

30. Oh earth I decree that on you my family shall be great and shall do exploits in Jesus name

31. No weapon of the enemy shall prosper against me in Jesus name

32. I decree that the earth shall work in my favor and in favor of my family in Jesus name

33. I speak into the atmosphere, joy and peace is my portion this day in Jesus name

34. I receive back to back divine promotion in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

35. In the name of Jesus Christ I receive divine help and blessings that sounds like lie in this season

36. All my labor on earth shall not go in vain in Jesus name

37. All conspirators against my wealth shall be ashamed in Jesus name

38. All those who do not want me to know peace, oh Earth swallow them now in Jesus name

39. Favor shall encompass me like a shield from this moment onward in Jesus name

40. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers

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