Prayers to Prosper In Foreign Countries

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Are you planning to relocate abroad? Are you presently in a foreign land and life has been difficult for you? Do you desire to prosper and excel greatly in your new location? Say these prayers to prosper in foreign countries and you shall testify of the goodness and mercies of God in Jesus mighty name.

Of a truth, living in a foreign country has its advantages, but sometimes, living outside your home country can come with quite a number of challenges. Asides from the fact that you may need funds to stabilize, you also need the help of God to gain favor before the people.

Just as the Israelites in Egypt, many who are royalties in their home country are living in discomfort, in foreign lands, been oppressed by the foreigners daily, God had to send a savior in Moses to rescue the Israelites. Interestingly, the Israelites got so much treasure from the Egyptians when they were living, because the Lord grant them favor before the Egyptians

In your own case, you may not be planning to leave the foreign land where you are, but you really need the favor of God in that land so you can prosper and flourish greatly.

The bible says clearly that the Lord blessed Isaac in a strange land, in the same way, as you pray this day, the Lord shall bless you greatly in the mighty name of Jesus Christ (Genesis 26).

Importantly, you need to have faith in God and choose not to give up on Him based on the challenges you’re facing now, rather trust Him totally to bless you greatly in your location (Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 19:26)

Also, you need to keep praying until your desires comes to manifestation, do not get tired or weary in prayers, as a matter of fact, when the challenges seem to be multiplying that is when you need to pray more because the Lord is always near to help. (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

Remember, He assured that He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Lastly, a divine principle of God is to bless the work of one’s hands, just as Isaac sowed in the land and reaped a hundred fold, you also need to sow, by rendering services, engaging in product sale or doing a legitimate business, this way, you have provided a platform for God to bless you. (Genesis 26)

Say these prayers to flourish in foreign countries and the Lord shall arise for you in Jesus mighty name.

Prayers To Prosper In Foreign Countries

1. Lord I appreciate you for your endless mercy upon my life and my family

2. Thank you for your faithfulness towards me and my family

3. Thank you for always wiping away my tears and giving me peace

4. Thank you even for this unpleasant situation I have found myself

5. Thank you for bringing me to this foreign nation

6. Thank you for all the doors you have open before me and the ones you have decided to close before me

7. Thank you for sending great people my way to help me

8. Father I am grateful for your Word that assures that when I ask, my request shall be granted

9. Lord I bless you cause with you nothing is impossible

10. Father I thank you for your peace that surpasses all human understanding

11. Lord in your mercy please forgive me of every sin of disobedience

12. Please show me your mercy in every way I have sinned and fallen short of your glory

13. Father please cleanse me from every unrighteousness by your mercy in Jesus name

14. Lord Jesus I ask that you show me your mercy in all ways I have sinned and fallen short of your glory

15. Father please clean me from every unrighteousness in Jesus name

16. Oh Lord pleas forgive me of every sin of disobedience done against your will in Jesus name

17. Lord I ask that you grant me favor in the eyes of everyone I come in contact with in this foreign land in Jesus name

18. Father please cause me to prosper greatly in Jesus name

19. Let everything I lay my hands on prosper greatly in Jesus name

20. Help me to florish by your mercy in Jesus name

21. Please bless the work of my hands this season in Jesus name

22. Father I ask that you establish me in this foreign land in Jesus name

23. Lord please bring helpers my way in Jesus mighty name

24. Let all in creation work in my favor in Jesus name

25. Thank you Jesus for heaing my prayers



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