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Insights From Proverbs

Topic: Diligence and Laziness

Proverbs makes it clear that diligence – being willing to work hard and doing one’s best at any job given to him or her is a vital part of wise living. We  hard not to become popular, or admired (although those may be by-products), but to serve God with our best during our lifetime. There is a sharp contrast between the diligent and the lazy. Some of these are highlighted below;

1. The diligent become rich, they gather crops early, the lazy are soon poor, they sleep during harvest( (Prov10:4-5)

2. The diligent have abundant food the poor chase fantasies (Prov 12:11)

3. The diligent will rule, the lazy will become slaves (Proverbs 12:24)

4. The diligent prize their possessions, the lazy waste good resources (Prov 12:27)

5. The diligent are fully satisfied, the lazy want much but get little ( Prov 13:4)

6. The diligent have an easy path, the lazy have trouble all through life (Prov 15:19)

7. The diligent stay awake and have food to spare, the lazy love sleep and become poor (Prov 20:13)

8. The diligent make careful plans that leads to plenty, the lazy make hasty speculations that ends in poverty (Prov 21:5)

9. The diligent give without sparing, the lazy desire things but refuse to work for them (Prov 21:25-26)

10. The diligent will serve before kings(Prov 22:29), the lazy are full of excuses for not working (Prov 22:13)

As the Lord gives us ushers us into the new year, may we do away with excuses and obtain grace to be diligent. Amen🙏

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