Thoughts on Proverbs 15

….The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD: But the prayer of the upright is his delight…..

Proverbs 15:8 KJV

For me the verse above resounded the message last Sunday which centered on Direction in the midst of Distractions. The Preacher in the course of the message spoke about the importance of altars in the life of a Christian.

Amongst several definitions, he describes an altar as a place of petition, a place of war and a place of sacrifice. He emphasised the importance of sacrifice in strengthening altars and making them stronger to deliver our expectations to us.

Many of us were pricked in our hearts as we outwardly demonstrated outwardly the effect. There was a motivation to pay more attention to laying our sacrifice before God on the altar.

As we make up our minds to hitherto walk in the light of this revelation, there is also a need to be mindful of how God sees our sacrifice, whether they are acceptable or not?

The verse above draws our attention to what God is looking for if the sacrifice will draw God’s attention. It is not just about the quality of a sacrifice, but the quality of the One laying it on the altar.

Do you stand in the righteousness of Christ, or fall into the compromising category which is neither cold not hot, who finds it easy to jettison the Word of God under the cover of “God understands”. Well He does, but we should remember the story of King Saul 1 Sam 15.

Verse 22 says, to obey is better than sacrifice. Saul learnt his lesson the hard way, when he thought God will overlook his disobedience if he sees the quality of sacrifice he is laying on His altar.

God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap. Sin is a reproach to any people and no matter the great length or expenses incurred in laying a sacrifice on His altar, the Lord still sees it as an abomination if presented from an ungodly person.

God demands our obedience, not partially when it is convenient, but wholly even when the flesh longs differently. Without godliness, any religious ritual is an effort in futility.

The times we are though perilous, the word of God has come again to remind us unto what we are called, having enlisted in God’s army.

No soldier entangles himself in civilian affairs. In righteousness shall we be established. May He engrace us to continually walk before Him, perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord. For only then will our sacrifices and prayers be a delight unto our God.

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