RACAD Character Of The Week- Eli

Psalm 12&14

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….Then the Lord said to Samuel, “I am about to do a shocking thing in Israel. I am going to carry out all my threats against Eli and his family, from beginning to end.

I have warned him that judgment is coming upon his family forever, because his sons are blaspheming God and he hasn’t disciplined them. So I have vowed that the sins of Eli and his sons will never be forgiven by sacrifices or offerings.”
(1 Samuel 3:11‭-‬14 NLT)

Eli was one old Testament person with a very modern problem. The recognition and respect he earned in public did not extend to his handling of his private affairs. He may have been an excellent priest, but he was a poor parent. His sons brought him grief and ruin. He lacked *2 important qualities needed for effective parental discipline- firm resolve and corrective action.*
Eli responded to situations rather than solving them. But even his responses tended to be weak. God pointed out his sons’ errors, but Eli did little to correct them. Mark the contrast between God’s dealing with Eli and Eli’s dealing with is own sons- God gave warning, spelt out the consequences of disobedience, and then acted. Eli only stopped at warning. Children need to learn that their parents’ words and actions go together. Both love and discipline must be spoken as well as acted out.
There was another problem noticeable with Eli. He was more concerned with the symbols of his religion than with the God they represented. For Eli, the ark of the covenant had become a relic to be protected rather than a reminder of the Protector. His faith shifted from the Creator to the created.
It may be easier to worship things we can see, but such tangible things have no power in themselves. For example, to some, the bible is merely a respectable religious relic or antique, while for others, it is the sharp and effective Word of God. Your attitude towards it is largely shaped by your relationship to the God from whom it comes. Though a relic or antique can be carefully stored away; God’s word should not be so treated. It has to be used and obeyed. Which attitude accurately describes your approach to the word of God?

*Strengths and Accomplishments*
•Eli was Israel’s judge and High Priest for 40 years
• He spoke to Hannah and she was assured of God’s blessing which manifested as conception and birth of Samuel
• Eli brought up and trained Samuel, the greatest judge of Israel.

Weaknesses and mistakes
• Eli had a difficult time rearing his sons. He didn’t take any strong disciplinary action with them when he became aware of their wrongdoing.
• Eli forgot he was not just a father trying to handle rebellious sons; he was the High priest ignoring the sins of priests under his jurisdiction.
• Saw the ark of the covenant as a relic to be cherished rather than a symbol of God’s presence with Israel
• The Word of God was scarce in his days as Judge and High Priest in Israel.
• Eli tragically lost his two sons on the same day.

Lessons from his life

1. Parents must be careful not to place love of their children above honouring God. They must not allow them continue in wrongdoing otherwise the parents are also guilty before God.

2. Parents need to discipline their children responsibly and not transfer this to some other entities like schools or religious institutions.

3. Life is not just about reaction, but taking necessary action.

4. Past Victories cannot substitute for present trust. Under Eli’s watch, Israel made a costly assumption that while contravening God’s laws, they could just bring the ark of the covenant (a symbol of His presence) to the battle ground and this will give them victory.

5. Though Eli was older, more experienced, and even held the proper position, God sidelined him by chosing to speak through young Samuel. This shows us that God can use unexpected channels and His chain of command is based on faith, not age or position.

6. Eli had spent his entire life in service to God. But in pursuing this great mission, he neglected the responsibilities in his own home. Our desire to do God’s work should not cause us to neglect our families. Lest our missions degenerate into quests for personal importance while the family suffers the consequences.

Eli’s death marked the end of the dark period of the Judges when most of the nation ignored God and did what seemed right in their own eyes.

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