RACAD Character Study Naomi, Ruthh

Psalm 12&14

Table of Contents


The story of these two women can be found in the bible – in a potion named after one of them – Ruth and is located between the book of Judges and 1 Samuel. It does not have too many chapters, but jam-packed lessons on relationships and reward of faithfulness. As a teenager, who loved reading romantic novels, the book of Ruth resonates so much with me that, it was the first book I did a study on and shared in public (at my place of work then) as a young Christian. We see God reward faithfulness, showing himself strong on behalf of those that trust in him in this chapter. We will start with Naomi.

Naomi was a Judean from Bethlehem married to Elimelech and they had two sons -Marlon and Kilion. She relocated to Moab with her family due to a severe famine in the land and within ten years of this move, a lot a happened in her life and family – one, she lost her husband; secondly, her family became bigger because her son married Moabite women – Ruth and Orpah; finally, without procreating, the sons also died like their father, leaving Naomi alone with her daughter in laws. Then, she decided to go back home to Bethlehem, particularly after she heard the famine had end and there was surplus in the land again. Her two in laws initial went along until she urges them to return to their parent so they start life over again by remarrying because she was not sure of what life held in stock for her as an old widow back in Judah. Oprah did turn back, but Ruth refused to, rather, she promised to love and stick by Naomi, come what may. Ruth 1:16

Naomi’s story had its ups and downs, the bitter and the traumatic. The pain of bereavement was so much for her, she believed God was unkind to her and had abandoned her; but her story did not end on that note. Yes, there was pain, but there was also a loving Ruth, who was willing to leave behind the opportunity of starting life all over again, just so that she can be a companion and support system for her.


1. Naomi comes across as supportive wife who followed her husband to a foreign land, even if it showed lack of trust or believe in the ability of God to provide for them regardless of the circumstances on going then. Ruth 1:1-2.

2. She was a strong and decisive woman, who made up her mind to do what she had to do to survive after bereavement of her husband & two sons. Ruth 1:6-7

3.Her name meant pleasant, she also came across as a pleasant, kind and considerate person. Ruth 1: 11-14, 3:1, 4:3. She thought of the settlement of her daughters in law even if it meant she will be left alone with no form of support. Much later, she was willing to sell her husband’s land to the kins Man redeemer in order for Naomi to be settled.

4. The fact that she had a loving personality made it having mentorship/mentee relationship with her daughters in law easy. In addition the the grief expressed when she urged them to return to their people showed she will be greatly missed. If there is no cordial relationship then there will be no feeling of loss when the person is not around. Ruth 1:14.

5. She was quite perceptive about people’s character. Although, God made the meeting between Ruth and Boaz possible; Naomi understood the assignment and what needed to be done to achieve the goal of settlement for Ruth. The interactions throughout the period of harvest, gave Naomi time to check out Boaz’s character and even his interest in Ruth; despite the fact that there was another Redeemer Kins man who was closer than Boaz. Ruth 2:20, 3:4e.

6. Naomi was selfless. Ruth 3:1 She was concerned about Ruth marital settlement, though she could just have kept Ruth as a companion still, but she planned how to get her to remarry.

7. Finally, Naomi had strong faith in God. Yes, she had lost so much and had become bitter and confused about why God took so much from her! However, I believe at point in her interaction with her daughters in law she must have lived out her faith, witness or told them about God of Israel constantly; thus, Ruth was willing to convert and serve that God.

All the above listed strength worked to her advantage as she was able to nurture the relationship that kept her going and aided her recovery from the past hurt and losses.


1.Disobedience to the word of God. Despite, the knowledge of the word of God, she and her family went to a strange land for succor from famine instead of trusting God for help. Bible told not to look for help in Egypt Isa 31:1. This same played out when her sons decided to marry foreigners that the law had warned them not to do. Exo 34:16

2. Isaac experience famine in the land where he was, but listened to direction from God, who told him to stay and sow in that land and he reaped a hundredfold. Gen 26:12-33 We were not told if Naomi’s family sought God’s direction before they relocated, maybe the trials experienced could have be avoided. Many people are relocating or “Japing” from Nigeria right now because of the economic issues being experienced without seeking God’s direction.

3. Bitterness against God and unappreciative of the help that was available despite her loss. Like most of us Christians, she focused more on her problems and losses than on appreciating God for what she still had going good for her – her daughter in law, her family and friends that welcomed her back home from her sojourn. Ruth 1:16-21.

In conclusion, Naomi though very wonderful person and kind to her daughters in law, yet she had her shortcomings. However, God also did not leave her with help or hope. In the end, the beautiful relationship between her and her daughter in-law paved the way for her being blessed with an adopted son in her old age. Thus, God restored her joy and gave peace.

Ruth was Moabite (they are usually referred to as accursed people Deut 23:3) who married Naomi’s Son – Marlon, but along the line, she became widowed without a child. However, she did not allow that stop her from lovingly supporting and being a companion to her mother-in-Law, who case was more dire than hers (Naomi was old and widow without children). As mentioned early when discussing Naomi, Ruth was determined to be with Naomi as a companion, she converted to Judaism and went with her to Judah. Her kindness and faithfulness were eventually rewarded by God who sees the heart and rewards according.


1.Ruth was a compassionate, loving woman. She proved this when she did not allow Naomi return to Judah alone; because it would not have been a palatable experience for Naomi -being an old widowed woman with no sons to provide for her. It was thoughtful of Ruth to not leave Naomi all by herself. In addition, when she went to glean and was given free lunch, she kept a portion of it for her ‘mother’ Ruth 2:18.

2. Loyalty, this is also tied to the explanation given above. Loyalty to Naomi made her leave all behind to serve her and convert to serve the God of Israel.

3. Ruth, like Naomi was a brave and resilient woman; who faced situation headlong. Relocating to a foreign land as widow was a major decision. It was bold and brave and as soon as they landed, she sought for work immediately, so they can eat and have their needs met Ruth 2:2.

4. She was industrious and took initiative Ruth 2:2,7. No laziness for Ruth, they needed to feed, she took it up immediately where she can glean and bring food, not waiting for Naomi to tell her what to do for provision or feeding.

5. She was teachable, following Naomi’s leading. She allowed herself to be mentored and shown how marital the system of kins man redeemer was done in Israel Ruth 3:1-5.

6. She was also described as a virtuous woman even by Boaz maintained her virtue by not misbehaving with the young men around Ruth 3:11. She could have decided to sell her body because of her peculiar situation. Unlike the excuses given by most women today who will do anything disgraceful under the guise of wanting to survive. Ruth comported herself well.

7. She showed humility by taking up gleaning (this was only done by the poor at least to get food during harvest) Also she was self-effacing when Boaz spoke kindly to her. Ruth 2: 8-16.


Despite the fact that Moabites had be accursed even to their 10th generation in Israel; Ruth’s character, kindness and conversion won people’s approval as well as God’s Deut 23:3, Ruth 3:11. As a result, God restored and settled her in a new home and also made her conceive immediately Ruth 4: Her mother-in-law was instrumental in helping her to achieving this goal. The Book Ruth shows us that God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him, that there may be challenges but God always makes it good if we hold on to him. Lastly, indeed God is the one that sees the end of a matter from the beginning, he can turn any situation around to his glory.



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