Psalm 12&14

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5. And they journeyed: and the terror of GOD was upon the cities that were round about them, and they did not pursue after the sons of Jacob

GOD speaks.

Take time and learn how to hear him and obey

There is great reward in obedience

Trust and obey

GOD”s protection, blessings and fellowship are found in obedience to GOD.

Things of note in this chapter

1. In the previous chapters, The LORD had asked Jacob to return home, but Jacob, for reasons best known to him chose Shalem to live and erect an altar to GOD, without consulting GOD.

2. So it is not where you choose to erect an altar that matters, but where GOD chooses for you to erect an altar to HIM that matters.

3. In chapter 35, GOD instructed Jacob on exact place to live and build him an altar.

4. When he did as the LORD instructed him, he and his family had peace and the protection of the LORD was over them all, so much so that the men of Shalem were too scared to lay their hands on hem

5..Safety is of the LORD in the place where HE chooses to give you, not where you choose to give HIM.

6.Assumptions can be very costly. Jacob assumed that as long as he had erected an altar to GOD in Salem, all things will work out well for him. Note that he did prosper in Salem. But note more importantly that the enemy is more after your soul than your worldly goods. He is ready to allow you acquire great possessions at the detriment of your soul. And if he gets your soul, ultimately he will also get your goods.1

The protection of GOD will not cover us or our prayers be heard when we do not do exactly as HE says.

It was the in the place that GOD chose that GOD protects you. It is in the place that GOD chose that GOD will bless you and fellowship with you.(Vs 9)

6. Jacob was restless and moved his dwelling from Bethel to Ephrath. There, Rachel died.

He moved again to tower of Edah. There Reuben slept with his concubine.

Note that Jacob experienced calamities whenever he moves away from where GOD chose for him.

When we move away from doing the will of GOD, we move into the devil’s territory and GOD’s protection is far from us. It isonky when we return to HIS will that HIS protection Wii return to us

My take

I pray believers will learn from this. Stop imposing their own choices on GOD, but allow GOD to choose for us. It is in what HE chooses for us that HE commands HIS blessings and find rest.

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