Scripture Daniel 8
Recall Daniel’s first vision of the 4 beasts, interpreted as 4 different empires in chapter 7. His second vision deals with 2 of the four empires.
1. The ram- represents the Medo-Persian empire which succeeded the Babylonian empire. The larger horn refers to the predominance of Persia in the partnership. Within a period of ten years after this vision, Cyrus, the Persian king had indeed pushed “westward, northward and southward(Lydia, Babylon and Egypt represents the primary nations he conquered). Historically, the ram was the national emblem of Persia.
2. The male goat- represents the Greek empire,with Alexander the Great as its principal ruler. The Greek empire rose from the west of previous empires and rose with great speed. But this empire was subsequently divided into 4 kingdoms after an extended power tussle by four of Alexander’s generals.But none of them was as powerful as he.
3. The little horn Note that this horn arose from the 3rd kingdom. It is therefore different from the little horn in Daniel’s first vision, which arose from the 4th kingdom.
The little horn symbolized Antiochus IV of the Seleucid line(one of the 4 kingdoms from the break up of Alexander’s empire).He ruled over Syria and Israel’s land.
History records that Antiochus was brutal and ruthless in his efforts at various times to subdue the Jews who were largely opposing the Hellenization (imposition of Greek culture, religion and language)of their land and society. Antiochus who gave himself the title Epiphanes(meaning “God manifest”) stopped the daily sacrifices in the temple in Jerusalem, built an altar there to the Greek God Jupiter and offered swine on the altar.
He also forbade reading of Scripture, observance of the Sabbath and circumcision, thus fulfilling the prophecy of Daniel in verse 11..Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away and the place of His sanctuary was cast down…..
Although the prophecy was fulfilled in Antiochus Epiphanes about 350 years after it was written, there is also a later fulfillment in the Antichrist, referring to the time of the end. Antiochus Epiphanes is sometimes called the “Antichrist of the Old Testament.” He foreshadowed the Antichrist of the end times.
We finished studying the book of Revelation last week. As we study these prophecies of future events,one thing stands clear- God knows, guides and controls the future. He shakes the earth and the heavens, removing those things which can be shaken so that only that which cannot be shaken may remain(Heb 12:26-27).
The onus is therefore on us not to be overwhelmed and slumber. Our attitude to all the shakings around us should be to arise like Daniel did and go about the King’s business.
May our strength be renewed.