Scripture: Proverbs 4&5
We thank God for preserving us to see the last month of 2022 which is declared our month of Divine Direction.
Earlier on in today’s service, our pastor highlighted the ways by which we can be divinely directed.
Top of the list is the role of the Word of God in directing us to the right path, which leads to life. Proverbs 4 emphasises this in various verses.
The times we are, calls for being intentional and not indifferent to the Word of God, particularly as a new year approaches and we begin to set our goals.
Right from the opening chapter Proverbs has been unfolding proven principles and important wisdom nuggets that will help us make the right choices that will take us to our desired destination.
As we build ourselves in God’s word, attention should be given to our children as well. We can take a cue from Solomon as he alluded to the teachings his own father instilled in him early in life(vs 3-4).
This became a motivation for him to likewise teach his own sons. God also confidently spoke of Abraham in Gen 18:19 that he will command his children to keep the way of the Lord.
The devil is relentless in his onslaught on children and youths in this information age, there is therefore a compelling need to expose our young ones to God’s word more. Participation in Sunday School is good, but not enough. It is time for us parents to become VIPs( very involved parents) in the quest to teach them the way of the Lord.
Thoughts on Proverbs 5
V1. My son attend unto my wisdom
And bow down thine ears to my understanding
V2. That thou mayest regard discretion
And that thy lips may keep knowledge.
“My son” shows he is talking to believers. It is a father’s wisdom that the son uses to navigate the path of life successfully. .
Note “ my wisdom”, “ my understanding”, signifying there may be other wisdom and understanding which are not “HIS”. Therefore, if what we have is not “ GOD’s wisdom and understanding” we cannot have that spirit of discernment to keep us away from a strange woman.
Who is a strange woman? The 1st mention is her lips. What is special about her lips? Flattering words.
Oh how we love flattering and praises that we are blinded to reality! It is flattering words that lead most people into extramarital relationships that destroy their marriage and their substance.
Initially it might seem like a casual acquaintance but the longer we keep this sort of people as friends, the more we begin to unconsciously lean towards them and the consequences are dire.
With such friendship, we may start off thinking we are in control, but gradually we find ourselves watering down the scriptures to accommodate this new habit and friendship and we will start drifting from brethren and leaning more towards these new friends of benefit and before we know it, ‘this verse becomes our reality
Vs. 14. I was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation and assembly.
The scripture warns us “He who thinks he stands, take heed, lest you fall” .
But when we hang on with this sort of friendship Solomon warns that “He shall die without instruction; and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray.”(v23).
This is a great and candid advice from a man who has seen it all – Solomon. He thought he was standing until his strange wives caused him to stray, unknowingly. He is talking from experience; let us take him very serious.
My Take Away:
Wisdom, understanding, knowledge. These are what can keep us from evil. Work hard on your marriage. Shower love and affection on your spouse.
Let us mind the company we keep whether woman or man. Any friend, man or woman whose wisdom and understanding of life differs from that of GOD should be avoided. The end of such relationship is destruction