Read A Chapter A Day (RACAD) 1 Corinthians Overview

Psalm 12&14

Table of Contents

Did you know?

Author- Paul wrote the letter at the end of his third missionary journey in Ephesus to the church at Corinth which was established on his second missionary journey.


Corinth was the political capital of Greece and the seat of its commercial and intellectual life. The city had a reputation not only for luxury but for sexual vice and sacred prostitution, having been the site of a temple of Aphrodite,where hundreds of prostitutes plied their trade.

Other deities and Eastern cult practices also abound. Corinth attracted tradesmen, businessmen, philosophers, artists from all corners of the then world making it a cosmopolitan center with a large plethora of peoples, cultures and religions. The influx of people came with a significant Jewish population who built a Synagogue to worship God.


First Corinthians was written to resolve ethical,doctrinal and practical problems that had arisen in the recently established church in Corinth.

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