There are two things in this chapter that GOD wanted the children of Israel to take very seriously
– their health;
– their Prosperity.
1. Their Health
GOD outlined to them what they need to eat in order to stay healthy.
HE is the one that kept them healthy. Nevertheless, HE stipulates clearly to them here what particular food they must eat, that is where HE has commanded their health.
Note that strangers may eat other things but interestingly, not the children of Israel. Why?
Because GOD considers the children of Israel holy. Vs: 21.
So as GOD’s holy people, there are so many things that seperated them from others, even their diet.
In as much we are now in the new dispensation of grace where we can quote Acts 10:13 15
13. And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.
14. But Peter said, Not so, LORD; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean.
15. And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What GOD hath cleansed, that call not thou common”).
We use the above to justify permission to eat all sorts.
It is still medically proven that those who eat just what the LORD took time to prescribe for mankind in this passage here, live healthier lives. GOD created all these animals and knows why HE prescribed some and not others.
2. Their Prosperity
GOD also outlined to them what they need to do to be prosperous in *all* they do.
In Deuteronomy 8:18
GOD made it clear that it is not the power and might of our hands that make us wealthy, rather that HE is the one that giveth us power to make wealth in order to establish the covenant.
That power is not physical as GOD explained in Deuteronomy 8:17, but in our ability to release our tithe to how HE directs us to. This generates a different kind of power needed for covenant wealth (V 29).
When we do that accordingly, it generates power to create wealth for us.
“Our prosperity is commanded in the release of our tithe”.
Our Prosperity is different from the prosperity of the world. Theirs which is called the riches of the world is by the power and might (hard work, business acumen, hustling, savings) of their hands;
Ours is different.
GOD wants to show us the excellent way to wealth creation which is “Put it in HIS hands”
A man’s heart is where his treasure is. GOD knows that if HE can get us to trust HIM with our money, HE can get us to trust HIM in every other thing.
Our own prosperity, different from the riches of the world is called Covenant wealth and it is by the power of our tithes.
When we want this covenant wealth and apply the principles of the riches of the world(Not that we will not work hard o), confusion sets in, it shows in our struggle to have dominion over wealth. So we can see that wealth creation, the kingdom way is by keeping to the terms of the covenant. Prayers and fasting can only help if they point us back to what needs to be done.
May the LORD grant us deeper understanding in this period of terrible wide spread diseases and hard economic realities to know what each person needs to do to live healthy and wealthy in the mighty name of JESUS, Amen.