Read A Chapter A Day (RACAD) Exodus 18

Psalm 12&14

Table of Contents


Despite his service to Israel, Moses was banished from the Promise Land!!

Leadership Lessons
Let us interrogate some Lessons from the Leadership of Moses:

1. A Tree Can Not Make A Forest

(Exodus 18:21-22)

The Commitment of Moses compelled him to overwork himself.

Thank God, for Jethro, the Father in Law, who guided him in the principle of DELEGATION

Exodus 18:17-24

Dear Leader/ Manager please delegate.

2. Patience V Anger
According to Proverbs 14:29 “Whoever is patient has GREAT UNDERSTANDING,but one who is quick tempered display FOLLY”

Moses had an Anger Issue that led to the MURDER of an Egyptian when he was 40 years & his eventual Exile.
(Exodus 2: 11- 22)

Unfortunately, 40 Years after, the ANGER had not been sorted and was manifest again by breaking the Tablets of the Commandment
(Exodus 32:15,19)

Eventually, Moses in anger smote the rock instead of Speaking as instructed by Almighty God.
( Numbers 20:8-9)

Leader, seek help/deliverance to avert a future disqualification

3. God Is Able To Defend His Word

Apart from Anger issues, PROPHETS try to “defend” or “assist” God.

The Frustration of Moses in Numbers 20: 8-9 is borne out of ZEAL & Attempt to Defend God

Outcomes of Prophesy is the Prerogative of God!!

For instance, Jonah delivered the Message to NINEVEH. Yet, Jonah was displeased with God for showing Mercy to His People!!

God can DEFEND His Word

4. Need To Decentralize Power

Moses served as Leader/Judge/ Priest/ Prophet!

This concentration of Powers resulted in a SENSE OF INVINCIBILITY & AN ACHIEVER’S COMPLEX

Indeed, only Jesus can handle such Powers being OMNIPOTENT, OMNIPRESENT & OMNISCIENT!!!

According to Isaiah 33:22
For The Lord is our JUDGE,The Lord is our LAW GIVER, The Lord is our KING”

Jesus, is the True KING, JUDGE & LAW GIVER!

In the World System, wherever and whenever these combined powers are vested on Individuals, DESPOTISM & OPPRESSIONS arise.

Hence the World practices Democracy and separation of powers.

Dear Leader, please Decentralize Power.

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