Read A Chapter A Day (RACAD) Galatians

Psalm 12&14

Table of Contents

Overview of Galatians

It’s been quite refreshing going through this letter which was autographed by Apostle Paul himself.

Through it we saw that Paul was up against Judaizers, that is Jews who have converted to Christianity but still place value in the Torah. Am sure even in our clime, now and again we come across such who are bent on earning God’s approval through the old way of salvation by works.

We also saw how confident Paul was, of his ministry and calling by direct revelation from Jesus Christ(1:12).

How he condemns even Peter and Barnabas for their hypocrisy in siding with the Jews when certain men from James came visiting (2:11).

In the chapters that follow, Paul emphasises that Salvation is based on grace through Faith alone and not works (chapter 3 onwards)

The letter ended with an encouragement to bear one another’s burden, and that by so doing fulfil the law of Christ(chapter 6)

There are many ways this letter remains relevant to us today and am hopeful that *Galatians* will remain one book we’ll keep close to our hearts as journey on through.

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