Read A Chapter A Day (RACAD) Galatians 6

Psalm 12&14

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Galatians 6

“Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ”

In a World where wickedness and all sort of evil works (ingratitude, pride, paying back good with evil etc) seems to be common and on daily display, the ministry of help has become a more difficult one to operate and achieve,

However, the bible’s stand on this is clear: “share each other’s burden”.

Helping others in our own way (whether little or huge) goes a long way in ensuring that we have a better and more stable society.

Vs 1, puts on us the burden of care on how to treat a christian who is caught up in sin. That we didnt fall into sin today, doesn’t mean that we cant fall into sin tomorrow. No christian seriously plans to commit sin but somehow he can end up overtaken by sin. And this is true of anyone.

So today may be the turn of a brother, tomorrow may be our turn. So instead of pointing finger, let’s hurry to restore our brother from that sin because tomorrow when it is our turn, we may need someone to restore us.

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