Read A Chapter A Day (RACAD) Genesis 13

Psalm 12&14

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RACAD Genesis 13 Highlights

1. Gen 13:1 -4 Again, the bible made us understand, after the debacle of Abram in Egpty that he ‘WENT UP’ (left behind his sinful life style) from there very wealthy with his wife and nephew -Lot.

He found his way back to the altar of God. He retraced his steps and made peace with God. We should too when we miss the mark. Just retrace your step and ask for mercy he is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

2. Gen 13: 4-7 – They had acquired a lot of property. Lot was also rich in his own right. They had become very wealthy that they had problem of space. This led to strife between Abram’s staff and Lot’s staff. Having more than enough does not mean there wont be issues/ challenges or problems.

3. Gen 13: 8-9 Abram proved he was a loving uncle to Lot by giving him the option of deciding where he wanted to live in the Land before him. That is maturity and family love.

4. Gen 13: 10-11 – Lot chose the watered, verdant plains of Jordan. He used his physical sense to judge such a major decision for his life (There is a way that seems right onto a man, the end there of are the ways of death Prob 14:12). May God help us to seek his will in any situation.

5. Gen 13: 13 Bible mentioned that though the land chosen by Lot was prosperous, the evil being practice in that place was legendary. Yet he chose the the place. Meaning he did not learn from his uncle’s experience in Egpty. May we not enjoy the fleeting pleasure of sin for a season.

6. Gen 13: 14- 16 – After the separation from Lot, God started speaking to Abram again, reaffirming his promises to him. Though he was still very childless and living in tents. God promise that the land will be his and his descendant’s will be uncountable. Maybe we have a promise from God that is looking like is delayed. Hold on he will do what he promised to do. Hallelujah!

7. Gen 13: 14-16B – I wondered if God allowed this issues between Lot and Abram so that he can get Abram’s attention fully, because it was after this that God started connecting to Abram again.

8. Gen 13: 17-18. God wanted Abram to get the message by taking a walk around the whole land. That the beautiful land will be his and his children’s. Abram had been revived so he continued to connect to God on the altar. In our journey of faith we sometimes miss it too or even most times.

Do not stay down, stand up dust yourself up, retrace your step back to God, ask for mercy and keep moving.

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