Read A Chapter A Day (RACAD) Genesis 24

Psalm 12&14

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RACAD Genesis 24 Highlights

Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2)

One of the most striking lessons for me in this chapter is drawn from the life of Eliezer, Abraham’s steward.

Eliezer’s life gives a good picture of the scripture quoted above.

One could see how Eliezer faithfully managed his master’s business to the best of his ability to the very end. Earlier on in Gen 15, we saw how Abraham being childless at the time, had surmised to God that Eliezer, his servant would inherit all he had.

But clearly, the mindset of Eliezer was not to seek an opportunity to inherit his master’s possessions, but to be faithful in service.

He earned this as Abraham entrusted him with a mission which had a potential to affect the next bearer of the covenant as far as marriage was concerned.

Eliezer focused on the mission abd its success. Having travelled a far distance, ordinarily, he must have been exhausted from his journey.

The natural thing would have been to relax, and be entertained when he saw the hospitality of Laban. But no distractions! It was business before pleasure and he got right to it.

He stated his purpose of coming and God prospered him as his mission was successful.

Without being swayed to tarry with Rebekah once he accomplished his master’s desire, he headed back.

We need more Eliezers, not just in the body of Christ, but in our individual lives, in our businesses, faithful men who will go to any length and do whatever it takes to get the work done. You can be an Eliezer in that organisation you are.

In like manner, we also can be Eliezers to God in matters pertaining to the kingdom, vessels of honour meet for the master’s use

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