Read A Chapter A Day (RACAD) Genesis 49

Psalm 12&14

Table of Contents


This chapter is about the blessings that Jacob pronounced on his 12 sons. This is the father’s blessing and the generational blessing for the 12 tribes of Israel.

It was only Reuben that was cursed because of his misbehaviour. Every other person enjoyed one blessing or more.

Reuben should have repented and asked his father for forgiveness, but I think, he thought that his sin was hidden. Jacob too just waited for him at the point of his death just to release a curse on his son, the excellency of his strength!

This is the spirit of error at work in the family.
Jacob was a prophet. He prophesied the pattern of the life of his children. As at this time, Joseph’s stardom has already manifested in Egypt.

Jacob was actually speaking into the future of his generation after him. He was telling them what would happen to them and their children after them.

In Verse 31,Jacob instructed his sons to bury him where his fathers and their wives(his mothers) were buried , I observed that Leah, his first wife was buried there.

Even though Jacob didn’t love Leah but he loved Rachel, it was Leah that was given the honour to be buried with the patriarchs and matriarchs of faith.

I am thinking that why Rachel was not buried there was because of her attachment to the idol of her father’s house and that was the thing that even killed her because Jacob made a pronouncement that whoever is with the idol of Laban should die.

That was a bad habit that Rachel exhibited. What is in a molten wood? Did she see it as a toy? Did she see it as an object of worship? Leah was more plain!

May God help us to be true to Him in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name! Amen!
May we not be like Reuben also in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name! Amen!

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