Read A Chapter A Day (RACAD) John 16

Psalm 12&14

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RACAD John 16 Highlights 

Recently at the midweek service we had the opportunity to learn about Enemies at the gate. What they are, the ways they operate and how as believers we can deal with them.

John 15 coincidentally also tells us more on the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Jesus prepared the apostles for the trying times ahead after his departure.

The hatred for them will be so much that whoever kills them as believers in Him will think he offers God service.

Isn’t this the same thing happening today? Christians are persecuted and killed because a false religion taught them to believe this was a service to their god.

Jesus did well to forewarn us also that this gospel, though so glorious, will be hated passionately by the world.

Brethren, we must therefore be comforted in leaning on the Holy Spirit the same way the apostles did in their time.

Jesus is no longer here for the world’s hatred to be drawn to. As His representatives, the world hates us but we must remember that our Helper is not just with us but “in” us forever as a direct promise of the Father to us.

Surely, our grief will turn to joy( vs 20) and in Him we will continue to have peace in spite of all we are buffet with, because Jesus has overcome the world(vs 33) “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. (1 John 5:4)

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