Read A Chapter A Day (RACAD) John 12

Psalm 12&14

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RACAD John 12 Highlights

Wow! The first thing that struck me in this chapter is from verses 1- 3 with emphasis on the statement “……and Martha served”.

Martha’s consistency in choosing to be in charge of entertainment of guests while every other persons attention was on the Lord.

You will recall in Luke 10:38-42 how she was upset and complained to the Lord that her sister Mary did not assist her in serving.

Jesus answered her that she was careful and troubled about so many things, but one thing is needful. Mary was commended for choosing rightly to sit at his feet and hear him.

We must never lose sight of this truth also in our individual walk with the Lord brethren. Busyness for the Lord can never substitute for a time spent in His presence whether in worship, in prayer or meditation on the word.

How Mary and Martha’s relationship with the Lord affected their disposition in the time of trouble later became evident when they lost their brother Lazarus (Pls check yesterday’s reading again in John 11 to see the degree of faith they had in Jesus to turn things around)

Again Mary’s choice came to fore in today’s chapter. While Martha served, Mary chose to lavish the Lord with her Worship ( anointing him with an expensive perfume and wiping his feet with her hair) (Rom 12:1)

For me I think this is a call to reorder our lives and set our priorities right in this Christian Journey.

While not denigrating the effort or time we spend doing God’s work or serving in His vineyard( He expects us to work anyways), we must follow the example of Mary in making HIM our first priority in worship, in prayer and in studying the word. May the Lord give us grace to walk in this in Jesus name

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