Was it mere coincidence that the first public outing of JESUS was at a wedding?
Was it mere coincidence that right at that wedding, the wine got exhausted?
Was it a coincidence that JESUS said it wasnt yet his time, yet he still responded to the need at hand?
When did this time that JESUS said wasnt yet his, finally come?
I dont think it was a coincidence
JESUS appearance at a marriage feast goes to show just how important our marriage is to HIM.
Marriage is the beginning of life, so to say.
If a marriage goes wrong, it is not just the family that will be affected but the whole society, in short the whole world. Flashback to the 1st marriage, Adam and Eve and it went wrong and then the son turned murderer and the whole earth is yet to recover from it.
Adam and Eve ” wine” got finished..They wanted more. They could have asked the LORD, but they listened to a ” third party” who was never part of their ” marriage”.
Compare with the marriage at Cana. The wine got finished. Who knew what a third party suggestion would have cost them?
You really cant keep a marriage running only on the strength of your own supplies. Because marriage was GOD’s idea and HIS provision is what can sustain it. Without the provision of GOD, the marriage is running on borrowed time.
When it comes to marriage, JESUS will make out time to fix it,if invited because HE knows the consequence of a broken home.
This is a wake up call for us to please thread carefully on the issue of marriage. It is a matter closest to GOD’s heart.
Whatever wine has become exhausted in our marriage, rest assured JESUS is ready and willing to do all within HIS power to fix it better than we could ever imagine to do.