Joshua chapter one is a setting of GOD’s call on the life of Joshua.
We can identify some key points.
1. Joshua received a firm confirmation with direction from GOD
2. How did Joshua get to this point? What qualified him to be selected among his peers to succeed Moses?
Before Moses died, Joshua had gone on assignments and carried them out faithfully, believing GOD in the face of so much risks and were many gave excuses. Num14:6-9.
He had this mindset that as long as it was GOD that sent them, GOD will see them through. Consequently, he carried out all responsibilities given to him as a person walking with and working for GOD.
He may not have had the intricate training that Moses had from the palace; there may have been others far qualified than he was, but GOD looks for different things in different people.
Moses was a hard man to convince as he argued with GOD, yet he was a very meek man;
Joshua might not have been a meek man but believed every word that GOD said and obeyed them; and GOD took notice.
*GOD chose him because he trusted and obeyed GOD in everything*
He has also proved himself loyal to Moses.
3. GOD always has a plan for continuity.
GOD knew Moses would go and when that day comes, without anyone leading and guiding the people as to what they should or should not do, sooner or later, they will go astray. So GOD took time to ensure Moses wrote down HIS words. Such that even though Moses goes, GOD’s work will continue. So in essence it is GOD’s word that is the true guide. Moses led the people using GOD’s words which came to him expressly.
So, though Moses has gone but GOD’s words remained. And it is this word that GOD told Joshua to pick up, embrace and allow it guide him in all he would do( Josh1:8).
4. *Moses did not choose or impose Joshua on the people, GOD chose Joshua.
Num27:15 – 20.
5. Joshua was ordained and commissioned by the laying on of hands and presented before the people. Deut31:7,14; Num27:18 – 20; Deut34:9 So like that Moses transferred his spirit unto Joshua and the whole congregation saw that it was the will of GOD. So even though Moses was no longer physically present, Joshua who now has the spirit of Moses was able to read the word and effectively work with it.
6. The people willingly submitted to the leadership of Joshua. Vs17 – 18.
The people could see the leadership spirit that was in Moses working in Joshua as he began to organize and administer activities and readily submitted to his leadership.
Reminds us of when Elisha crossed over to meet with the sons of the prophet after Elijah had gone and the sons of the prophet testified that indeed Elisha has received the spirit of Elijah and they all submitted to him.
What can we learn from Joshua one?
1. He was just an ordinary man willing to do GOD’s commandment, no matter how risky. He trusted and obeyed GOD, no matter the situation.
HE obeyed Moses as a leader who walked with GOD. He did all this, without a feeling of entitlement. GOD noticed this and singled him out for greater task.
Do we want GOD’s blessings and promotions? It is found in the place of selfless, faithful service to GOD, trusting and obeying HIM and submitting to leadership in church.
2. HE was ordained by Moses before the people.
This is equivalent to salvation and receiving the HOLY SPIRIT. For GOD to bless and prosper us, the first step is that of salvation and belonging to the household of GOD where our service is genuine.
3. Our allegiance to our pastor notwithstanding, our true allergiance is to the word of GOD. When we are grounded in the word of GOD, it causes us to be humble to serve our pastor and the church of GOD fervently.
4. We receive inner strength and different abilities as at when needed.
May the LORD open our eyes the more as we continue to learn about Joshua and use that knowledge to allign our lives to serve GOD better in the mighty name of JESUS Amen.