Read A Chapter A Day (RACAD) Leviticus 27

Psalm 12&14

Table of Contents

As we round up our study of the book of Leviticus today, we are reminded that outside the requirements of the law, one could place one’s self under “law”, that is, under a vow to make an offering to the Lord. A vow offering is a binding obligation as seen in the case of Hannah in 1 Sam 1:11. Another example is in the case of Jephthah in Judges 11:30-31

God takes our vows seriously. Some people make rash or unrealistic vows. To urge the Israelites to think before they commit to making a vow, a 20 percent penalty was placed on those items purchased back by money. This chapter explains how valuations were to be made and what to do if a donor wished to buy back what had been donated to God.

God taught the Israelites that when they made a vow to Him, they must not go back on their promise even if it turned out to cost more than expected (this applied to animals, humans could be redeemed or purchased back). If for instance you made a vow towards a cause from your income and suddenly some unexpected bills come along, God expects you to fulfil your vow even if it is difficult to do so. It is a cost attached to your stewardship.

It is important to note that many of the principles regarding sacrifices and tithes were intended to encourage our inward attitudes as well as outward actions. If a person gives grudgingly, he shows that he has a stingy heart. God wants us yo be cheerful givers who give with gratitude to Him (2 Corinth 9:7)

The book of Leviticus is filled with the commands God gave His people at the foot of Mt Sinai. From these commands, we can learn much about God’s nature and character. Though it may seem at first glance that Leviticus is irrelevant to our high-tech world. But digging a little deeper, we realise that the book still speaks to us today- God hasn’t changed and His principles are for all times.

As people and society change, we need constantly to search for ways to apply the principles of God’s law to our present circumstances. God was the same in Leviticus as He is today and will be forever.(Hebrews 13:8).

We will be starting the book of *Numbers* tomorrow. May the Lord bless us.

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