Read A Chapter A Day (RACAD) Numbers 20

Psalm 12&14

Table of Contents

I have read this chapter many times before today. But never saw the full import of Moses error at Kadesh had an underlying factor. Truly, the most talked about of the chapter focuses on how Moses did not Hallow the Lord before the people- We usually muse over verse 10 which supports the view  that Moses was getting too big for his shoes by sharing the credit with God

And Moses and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock; and he said to them, “Hear now, you rebels! Must we bring water for you out of this rock?”…

Indeed God reccounted to Moses his error. But what I saw here is that this error was potentiated by grief. In the very first Verse of the chapter, we are told that Miriam died. Surely this must be a time of personal sorrow for Moses to lose someone so dear.  As if this wasn’t enough, he now had to endure the contention of the people yet again. This same lot who at different times had run the risk of being exterminated by God for their complaining and murmurings, but this same Moses had mediated for. On one occasion, he was even willing to be obliterated from God’s book of life, just so God will not forsake Israel whom He had chosen and brought out of the house of bondage

It was insensitivity on the people’s part to chose this period in Moses life to again contend with God. Aaron and Moses thus became the scapegoats. Moses struck the rock twice with his rod instead on speaking to the Rock. This Rock we understand from the new Testament was Christ

My point here is the need for us as followers who have leaders set over us to be more sensitive in our dealings with them. Most of us seem to forget they are human and so, men of like passions as we are. For the most part, we are quick to judge their reactions while excusing our own excesses.

Hebrews 13:17 alludes to what our disposition towards our leaders should be …..*Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you

This consciousness must be in us always. God already has a high measuring standard from our leaders,  our part then should be to conduct ourselves in such a way that they will not fall short of God’s expectation. Moses and Aaron’s fate were sealed as God was not going to change His mind when He said *they will not bring this assembly into the land which He had given them*.  This is profound. Brethren  as we see the Day of Christ approaching therefore, let us give diligence to all that we have heard and have been taught and let us earnestly consider one another the more, in order to stir up love and good works (including to our leaders

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