Read A Chapter A Day (RACAD) Numbers 21

Psalm 12&14

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Thoughts on Numbers 21

“And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life”.

(John 3:14‭-‬15 )

God has made a way of escape for *whosoever* will for a moment take his eyes away from the daily pressures or the biting prevailing circumstances and look to Jesus, the son of God who is highly exalted and is given the name which is above every name (including that source of pressure).

The Israelites seemed to have forgotten in the wake of their present discouragement, as they journeyed from Mt Hor to go around the land of Edom. Their souls were so discouraged that Israel forgot the One who qualified them by making them His own special treasure with an inheritance which was not purchased with sliver or gold. This was made manifest as he took them out of the house of bondage to lead them into a land flowing with milk and honey. On this occasion, the bible recorded that the people did not just speak against Moses, but spoke against God, accusing Him of bringing them into the wilderness to die. Not only that, they also considered manna which God provided each day as loathsome and worthless! Before Moses could intercede for them, God sent judgement from fiery serpents.

Our Bible study yesterday featured the final part of the topic *Coping with Life’s Pressure*. For those that were present, there was a lot to learn about how we should respond to pressures as christians and what we must do. God forbid that our case be like the Israelites, often forgetting how God came through for us in times past, forgetting His promises of a wonderful future with a happy ending ( Ps 37:37 LB) which God has qualified us for through Christ. We must not allow lack of contentment lead us to the path of error.

It is also instructive that unlike the some other occasions when Israel sinned, God did not take away the punishment. He gave them the responsibilty to either look upon the bronze serpent and live, or remain smitten and die. This gives us a very clear picture that God will not do for you what He has put into you, the capacity to do. The change we earnest covet will only come when we set ourselves on the path of obedience to His revealed Word and living by the wordings of a popular post…..

In the Happy Moments- PRAISE GOD

In the Difficult Moments- SEEK GOD

In the Quiet Moments- WORSHIP GOD

In Every Moment- THANK GOD

Scriptures supports this disposition in

1Chron 16:11-12

Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His face evermore! Remember His marvelous works which He has done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth

Brethren, more than ever before, let’s take our commitment to seeking God a notch higher by intentionally focusing on the many things He did for us before and having an assurance that He will not leave us in whatever situation we currently are experiencing.

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