Read A Chapter A Day RACAD Thoughts On Genesis 41

Psalm 12&14

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RACAD Thoughts on Genesis 41

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” Romans 8:28

Our most important opportunities may come when we least expect them. Joseph was brought hastily from the dungeon and pushed before Pharaoh on his route to destiny fulfilment. He had no warning that he would be suddenly pulled from prison and questioned by the king.

Yet Joseph was ready for almost anything because of his right relationship with God. It was not Joseph’s knowledge of dreams that helped him interprete their meaning.

It was his knowledge of God. These was evident in his response to Pharaoh …..”So Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying: It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh an answer of peace.”

(Genesis 41:16)

After interpreting Pharaoh’s dream, Joseph gave the king a survival plan for the next 14 years. A lot of people find detailed planning boring and unnecessary.

But planning is a responsibility, not an option. Egypt would have turned from prosperity to starvation if there was no careful planning.

We can attest to the fact that a lot of the hardship we are faced with in our national life today, boils down to lack of planning. Joseph was able to save a nation by translating God’s plan for Egypt into practical actions.

Joseph finally emerged the Ruler of all Egypt. His training for this important position involved being first a slave and then a prisoner.In each situation, he learned the importance of serving God through serving others.

Joseph’s suffering also developed in him a strong character and deep wisdom. God’s work of character building was being accomplished in Joseph, even when he must have thought nothing was happening, especially after the chief butler of Pharaoh forgot him when he left prison and was restored to his position.

I’m not sure of how much of his dreams he remembers at this time. There are waiting periods of our lives when we sometimes feel that God isn’t doing anything, but when His timing is right, everything can come together in an instant.

A look into Joseph’s life gives us a better understanding that those times we think God isn’t doing anything, He is doing the work most important to Him: developing our character and transforming us into the image of Jesus Christ.

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