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Habakkuk 3:2 “O LORD, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.”

Of a truth we are in the last days and there are lots of prophecies about the end time that is already coming to pass in the World, unfortunately, these signs are also affecting the church negatively, one of the end times signs is that the love of many shall wax cold and sadly many are already caught up in the web of bitterness, anger, strife, envy, and jealousy thereby making their love for Christ and the people of the kingdom wax cold (Matthew 24:12).

These prophecies were given so we could watch and be at alert against the works of the devil in the last days, but unfortunately even Christians are part of the people fulfilling these prophecies.

Not only has our love for one another grown cold, but we have also abandoned our first love thereby seeking after the temporary pleasures of this world, prosperity, fame and recognition has now become our new targets rather than seeking after righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost(Matthew 6:33, Romans 14:17), God has clearly stated in His Word that we must not keep our focus on the things of this World rather we must seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and every other thing shall be added unto us.

More saddening is the fact that while we Christians are focused on the pleasures of this World, many souls whom God has assigned us to bring unto salvation are now perishing for how will they hear the message of the kingdom if we the Christians do not take the gospel to them? How then can they be saved if the gospel is not preached unto them? Many intercessors have lost the burden of interceding for souls, many pastors have been frustrated out of their divine assignment by members who seem to be bent on making ministry impossible for them, yet our nation is greatly suffering as a result of our spiritual slumber and carelessness, souls are perishing, and the enemies of our faith are out there pushing their agenda with countless meetings and reforms.

What is the way out for the church? REVIVAL is! We must cry out to God for revival but just before then, we must all repent of our sins and seek the face of God for His mercy, His Word assures us that if we shall humble ourselves and turn from our old ways, He God shall hear us and heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14-16).

Revival is needed for us to return back to our first love, we need revival for the fire for evangelism to be reignited in us, we need revival to overcome the works of the flesh, we need revival in our prayer and study life, to truly fulfil the great mandate Christ gave to us, we need Revival. If you completely agree with me let’s proceed to the 30 revival prayers

Revival Prayers

  1. Oh Lord have mercy upon me and upon my brothers and sisters in the church
  2. Father please forgive us for grieving the Holy Spirit through our lifestyle and ways
  3. Lord please let your mercy speak for us in all ways we have spiritually careless about the matters of the kingdom
  4. Oh Lord let your mercy reach out to me in this season in Jesus name
  5. Father cause your rain of mercy to pour upon your church in this season that we may be washed clean from every filth and unrighteousness
  6. Please take away our guilt and sins oh Lord by your mercy
  7. Father please help us to be established in your righteousness
  8. Re-ignite in us the passion for souls in the mighty name of Jesus name
  9. Please restore us back to our first love in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  10. Help us Father to redirect our focus away from the things of this World to the matters of the kingdom in Jesus name
  11. Please strengthen our fathers of faith to do your will in cleansing the church in this season in Jesus name
  12. Oh Lord please cause our eyes to be opened to the places where souls are perishing that we may hijack them from the powers of darkness in Jesus name
  13. Help us not to lose any soul in this season of our revival in Jesus name
  14. Father do not allow the gates of hell prevail against the church in Jesus name
  15. Father please arise to do what only you can do in our midst
  16. Let our church services and programs be filled with wonders and miracles from your throne that the people may see and believe that you sent us
  17. Let anger and strife cease in our midst that your love may grow more in us, in Jesus name
  18. Let every bitterness and jealousy bow to you in Jesus name
  19. Help us Lord to know you more as the day goes by in Jesus name
  20. Father let your presence be evident in all our meetings in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  21. Oh Lord I ask that you cause there to be a revival outbreak in our nation in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  22. Let all the forces of darkness withstanding revival in this land be destroyed in Jesus name
  23. Oh LORD let our nation be filled with your knowledge and your glory in Jesus name
  24. Let all nations of the World know you and fear your Word in Jesus name
  25. Let your enemies tremble at your feet in Jesus name
  26. We receive renewal of strength for all evangelists, missionaries, preachers of the word in Jesus name
  27. The intercessors shall get back on their knees to pray again
  28. Our churches shall be on fire for Christ again in Jesus name
  29. Peace shall reign in our land and we shall be greatly blessed in Jesus name
  30. The agenda of the evil ones shall not stand over the church in Jesus name
  31. Only the will of God shall stand concerning the church in Jesus name
  32. Thank you Father for releasing your fire of revival in our midst this day in Jesus name.
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