Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward…” (1 Samuel 16: 13).
In our Focal Scripture, Prophet Samuel anointed David as King of Israel, in the midst of his brethren. These brothers watched David go to the bush to take care of his father’s sheep; they watched him step into what looked like a disadvantage.
They watched him suffer like a shepherd boy, and in a matter of time, they watched him become King. They saw him in obscurity, and right before their eyes, he rose to prominence and royalty.
Friend, hear God’s prophetic word: the people who saw you in obscurity will see you rise to the next level. Those who watched you suffer will see you enjoy God’s blessings; those who saw you jobless will see you step into a new job that will blow their minds; those who saw you dwell in lack will see you dwell in abundance; those who saw you in pain will see you rise from pain to joy.
When people spend all their time talking about your misfortunes, don’t despair; they will still be talking and God will change your story. When they think your story is concluded, God will shock them by giving you a fresh start; when they think you are stuck in a setback, God will set you up for greater days.
If you are still in the bush like David, don’t feel bad; God is making the necessary arrangements for your lifting, and when He is done, the same people who saw you in the bush will see your lifting to the next level.
Soon, everything will turn around for good; soon, those who mocked you will watch you celebrate; soon, those who saw your dark days will see your rising. Your story won’t end in the bush; your story is about to change.
Pray With Me:
Lord, those who watched me in pain and obscurity will watch me rise to royalty, in Jesus’ name!.