Psalm 12&14

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Sarah was a submissive, respectful and a supportive wife.
– Her story picked up when her husband received his call from God . There was no recorded argument about the demand to leave her people , place of Origin or stable life to a normadic one. Infact, when Abraham introduced her as his sister to heathen kings,she in a bit to protect her husband’s life consented, the show of maximum respect is calling her husband ‘my Lord’.

– She was indeed a woman of faith. Her faith sustained her to follow her husband to wherever he was being led, through many territories and dangerous situation. Her faith was far from perfect initially but towards the end, her encounter with the Visitors of Abraham in Genesis 18 moved her faith to believe the God with whom there is – NO IMPOSSIBILITY!

She was a hospitable wife, she did not hesitate to take care of unexpected visitors at the instance of her husband’s request.

Importantly, she did not suffer fools gladly, when Hagar, her maid, threatened her position as wife because she was going to bear a child for the Master, beautiful Sarah, first Lady, put Hagar in her position – the bond woman, even When she noted that Ishmeal was going to be a problem in the life of Isaac, the heir apparent, she took a stan decision to send them away in order to secure the covenant God had made through her. Gen. 17 : 16 , 21: 11.

Sarah had the capacity to forgive . After the saga with Hagar who ran away, Sarah allowed her to have her child in their home.


It appears that when Sarah wanted something, she didnt wait to weigh the consequences before acting e.g Getting a child through her maid, agreeing to act the sister instead wife to the heathen kings.

Sarah did not accept responsibility of her mistake, accusing her husband of Hagar’s misbehavior.
Even though it was her idea to have a baby through the maid, she quickly blamed her husband when things started to go wrong. Gen 16: 5 -6.

Women who are married to men of strong faith and spiritual leaders, life can be unpredictable. Close walk with God is the cushion to all challenges.

– Marriage is a spiritual journey. Your spiritual personality is shaped by your marriage.

Believe – Men & women who truly love their spouses allow themselves to be influenced by each other. See how Abraham consented to take Hagar & produce children for his wife at her suggestion.
Also Sarah refused to disclose that She is Abraham’s wife at his instance – twice, even though it was half truth. It is therefore very important for couples to pray together, take important matters to God & also search the scriptures for solutions.
We should use our influence in our spouses wisely.

When situations go south , we should be mindful not to play the blame game. So that repentance can be made & restoration can take place.

– God’s plan for all of us is unique, though Sarah tried to help God, He wanted her to be the Woman that the Saviour of the world will come through. Romans 9:9.

Finally, marital problems can change the course of history and impact generations .

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