Wake Up And Strengthen The Remnant By Pst. Dr. Tunde Ode

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Today I’ll be sharing with you from revelations chapter 3

Revelations 3:1 reads “and onto the Angel of the church” every church has an angel even sanctuary of Grace, the Angel assigned to sanctuary of Grace is here this morning and He is taking records; his role is to deliver blessings and he’s going to do so based on everyone’s ability to fulfill the criteria to earn it.

Growing up we were told that the Angel assigned to our lives bears record of our Good and Evil so when you are in church and worship is going on but you are not worshiping the Angel will note it down, and because he is an angel and not a man, you can’t bribe him so, if your worship is not genuine, he will note it down in the book of records.

So the Angel in charge of the church in Sardi was writing in revelations 3:19, “I know thy works” nothing is hidden from our Lord Jesus Christ, “you have the similitude of a living person it appears they’re living but actually there’s no more breath in them.

The church still appearrôike something is  going on in the church because people are still coming but the truth is that the presence of the lord is no more there.

So this looks like a church that is popular in the society but in heaven there is no record, the church is dead. In the same way they may still be calling you Daddy and Mummy in the Lord but the truth is that you are not born again what you have is the title left on you.

So Jesus was speaking to the angel of the church in Sardis: “Write this, document it, let it be on record that the church in Sardis have the form of life but it is actually dead”.

V2 “Be watchful, give attention and strengthen the things which are remaining” in another version, it says: wake up and give strength to the remnants and that’s the topic of my message.

Wake up and give strength to the remnants.

“For I have not found thy work perfect before me”, though this is not the main issue, where the main issue lies is in what God has said earlier.
Nobody is perfect as we usually say, our perfection is in Christ.

V3, “therefore remember how thou has received and how thou hast heard”

Don’t forget where you are coming from, don’t forget how you started, don’t forget what the Lord has told you, don’t forget the agreement and vows that you made.

Don’t forget the dotted lines that we signed, don’t forget! Remember where we are coming from, remember who you were then,

“Hold fast and repent” What dies it mean to repent? Stop the bad things you are doing,

If therefore thou shall not watch, if you refuse to strengthen the remnant, if you refuse to repent, if you refuse to take correction, if you refuse to listen, if you undermine what the Lord is saying through his servant, there is a consequence.

Without any attempt to scare you as we start the year,  but its very important for you to understand that how we begin the year will determine how the rest of the year will be for you.

If we are saying that the Lord has given us victory, if we are saying that we should not be afraid of every step all the way, then we must be willing to comply with God’s instructions.

Read verse 3 again “V3, “therefore remember how thou has received and how thou hast heard, If therefore thou shall not watch, I the Lord I will come as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come”

May this not be your portion,.

Though thou has a few name in Sardis, (there are still remnants in Sardis) which have not defiled themselves,their garment is not stained.
You are the one!

There are still few who have not compromised.

Someone may say: “let’s not deceive ourselves, when we are in church everyone behaves holy, but we know ourselves”

But there are remnants that are yet to defile themselves don’t allow the devil to deceive you and make you feel like every other person is doing what you are doing.

Perhaps you have caught some elders doing the bad things you are doing, so you concluded that if elders are doing it, everybody is doing is doing it, you are wrong! Because there are remnants..


1. Father please forgive me, I repent of the sins of ingratitude

2. Lord please show me mercy in every way I have not appreciated and valued the people who helped me in the past.

3. Please grant me the grace to give thanks daily in Jesus name

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