Thanksgiving is a time of reflection on the faithfulness and kindness of God. What gives God joy is your genuine heart of gratitude not your money.
God is interested in the worship offered from a sincere and grateful heart. Indeed God deserves all worship and praise we can offer Him.
Do you know that it is not the amount of exercise you do that keeps you alive? it is also not how much you pray or give tithes that keeps you.
Sometimes we use God as our ATM, we only go to him when we have needs. Some people don’t see need to praise God and worship him whether or not he blesses them, yet God remains faithful keeping you and providing for your needs, God protected you and shielded you from attacks of the enemy.
Reasons To Be Thankful To God
1. Be Grateful For Your Sanity: Many are roaming on the streets, wearing rags, because they’ve lost their sanity, many are victims of depression, yet you are here all dressed beautifully by yourself, you should be thankful to God.
2. Be Grateful For Sound Health: Many are in the hospital struggling to stay alive, despite the huge money they’ve paid for treatments, there’s still no hope of them coming out alive and whole, but you’re here, with no headache, no cancer, no arthritis, no high blood pressure, even when you had some of these illnesses, the Lord showed you mercy and restored your health, it’s definitely not because you are more prayerful or more special than those other people, it is just God who decided to show you mercy, so why won’t you be humble and show your sincere gratitude to God
3. Thank God For His Divine Provision: Can you recall the number of times when you had to make payment for something important and you didn’t have the financial capacity to do so, who did you call upon? You called upon the Lord, and He showed up suddenly to provide for that need, preventing you from experiencing shame and disgrace, so why shouldn’t you be grateful? Have you asked yourself how you have been able to survive with your family despite the economic challenges in your country? It is the faithfulness and grace of God that is keeping you going, and you should be grateful for this.
Deuteronomy 8:18 remember the Lord your god for it is he who gives you the ability to make wealth by a covenant.
The faithfulness of God Is not mundane, it is not small, it shouldn’t be trivialized or taken for granted.
Prayer: Oh Lord let your faithfulness not cease from my life
One of the main reasons why many often forget to give thanks, is pressure from negative occurrences around, so they murmur, complain and blame their leaders like the Israelites in the Wilderness, but do you know that God is able to turn every situation around for your good? The three Hebrews boys who were thrown into the fiery furnace because they refused to bow to the golden image of Nebuchadnezzar, later got the visitation of the son of God in that same fire, and Nebuchadnezzar though an ungodly king, saw the fourth man in the fire and praise the God of the Hebrew boys, so you should be aware that God is able to turn things around in your favor, no matter how unpleasant the situation is.
What you should do as a believer is to also refuse to bow to the economic pressure continue to Hope On God refuse to bow to the pressures of life and pressure from all the needs staring at you all around, because God is able to do all things, and as He showed up for the three Hebrew boys, He shall speedily show up for you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
Prayer: No matter how hard the economy gets, you shall live, I shall not die in Jesus mighty name
Things to do to enjoy the faithfulness of God
To enjoy the faithfulness of God, you need to do the following as much as you can:
1. Praise And Worship Him
Psalm 107:1-2 ” O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. 2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy”
2. Obey His Commands
1 Samuel 12:14 “Now if you fear and worship the lord and listen to his voice, and if you do not rebel against the lord’s commands, then both you and your king will show that you recognize the lord as your God.
3. Provoke God With A Sacrifice
Genesis 17:1-3 “And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. 2 And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly. 3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him saying”
4. Be Positive In Your Mind
Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
5. Be Merciful To Others
Psalm 18:25 “With the merciful you will show yourself merciful. With the perfect man, you will show yourself perfect. … With the kind Thou showest Thyself kind…”