The Finger of God By Pst. Kola O. Edwards

Table of Contents

Psalm 118:16 -“The right hand of the LORD is exalted: the right hand of the LORD doeth valiantly.”

What Is The Finger Of God/ What Does It Represent?

The finger of God is like a two-edged sword it brings judgement on one side and blessings on the other.

The finger of God is synonymous to the unlimited power of God
It signifies the power of God it is the powerful force of God as declared in psalms 8:3-9
The statement: “finger of God appears only 4 times in the bible”

The hand of the Lord was upon the apostles and it enables them to win many souls for Christ in the Book of Acts of the apostles

Daniel 5:-4 talked about betshazzar who took the sacred things from the temple he saw the finger of God and judgement followed after also in 2nd Kings 7; 18–19 Sennacherib laid siege on Israel and was blaspheming against God comparing God to the gods of the other nations then God showed up for his people and he was slain (2 Chronicles 32)

In several scriptures in the Old testament the the finger of God worked judgement but in the New testament the mercy and compassionate side of the finger of God was seen in several passages, a good example of this is about the woman caught in adultery. Despite her actions she was shown mercy in the end as declared in the scriptures says in Hebrews 8:12- For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”

As it concerns You
When the hand of the Lord is upon you it takes you to great heights in life even beyond your own imaginations

David gave a good example of what the finger of God can do when it comes upon a person when he said by my God I run through a troop (Psalm 18:29-36)

So you may be wondering, what are the things limiting us from doing signs and wonders on earth to the glory of God?

How were the apostles able to take a finger of God at will? What did the apostles and the prophets know that set them apart?

What Did The Prophets & Apostles Do Differently

1. They knew God:

The prophets and Apostles had an experiential  knowledge of God they had a genuine relationship with God. Creating and maintaining a good relationship with God is important for you to do exploits
The prophets of old did great exploits because they knew God even though the Holy Spirit had not been given then, how much more now that you and I have acces to the Holy Spirit (Jeremiah 33:3)

  This is the secret of Moses as the Bible says in psalm 103:5 the Lord showed his ways to Moses but his acts to the children of Israel.
Daniel also said those who know their God shall be strong and they shall do exploits this invariably means ignorance will lead to weakness and being exploited  but the knowledge of God will help you to do great exploits

2. They Feared God and Hated Iniquity :

Ecclesiastes 12:13 says the whole duty of man is to fear God and to do His will.  There are many benefits for those who fear God Proverbs 19:23 says the fear of God leads to life, and those who fear God will not be visited with evil, so do you desire to live long doing exploits? Fear the Lord.

3. They Had Good Knowledge Of God’s Word:

Ask yourself how much of the word of God do you know? you need to pray according to God’s Word  to get tangible results and to do exploits, you must know  the Word of God.


1. Father please arise and disappoint all my mocking me by the manifestation of your wonders and your miracles in my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
2. Every evil power and human agents seeking to make the promises of God of no effect in my life I command you to expire now by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
3. I shall not end the way my father ended and I shall not experience evil of any kind in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
4.  I reject every self-imposed difficulty and negativity in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
5. The promises of God for my life Shall speedily manifest this year in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

You can watch the full sermon here:

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