The Power Of Covenant By Pst Moses Olajide

Table of Contents

Genesis 8:20-22 Then Noah built an altar to the lord, and there he sacrificed as burnt offerings the animals and birds that had been approved for that purpose.

And the lord was pleased with the aroma of the sacrifice and said to himself, “I will never again curse the ground because of the human race, even though everything they think or imagine is bent toward evil from childhood. I will never again destroy all living things.

As long as the earth remains, there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night.”

Genesis 9:11-13 “Yes, I am confirming my covenant with you. Never again will floodwaters kill all living creatures; never again will a flood destroy the earth.”

Then God said, “I am giving you a sign of my covenant with you and with all living creatures, for all generations to come. I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth”.

Covenant is a term that is commonly used in the bible to refer to an agreement or a contract between two or more parties. In its simplest form, a covenant is a promise that is made between two parties, often with the intention of creating certain obligations.

Covenants are essential agreements that help to define the relationship between the parties involved, and they are often spiritually binding. As such, it is crucial to ensure that the covenant terms are carefully adhered

A covenant is also a mutual agreement made for the benefit of all involved, and it is often sealed by an oath

Factors That Gives Strength To A Covenant

1. Oath: the Bible says concerning Abraham when God made a covenant with Abraham in Hebrews 6 verse 16-18 that God swore by himself since He could not swear by anyone else because no one is greater than Him.
Therefore, Oath is important in covenant. Also, for instance, marriage is a covenant hence couples take oath when getting married

2. Witnesses:
For every covenant, there must be a witness in the case of marriage the groomsmen, chief bridesmaid lady and the church are witnesses while God is the crown witness (Malachi 2: 14)

3. Token
Every covenant has a token involved, in the case of Noah, the symbol of God’s covenant with Noah is the rainbow.
The symbol of Abraham’s covenant with God is circumcision of every male in his family.

The token involved in the case of Rahab the harlot is the scarlet given to her by the spies who went to Jericho, and in marriage ceremony, the bible or ring is the token involved.

4. Written Document:
Every covenant has a written document, for instance, we believers have the bible as the written document that showcases the covenants God made with the people of old, such as David, Noah, Abraham etc.

Can A Covenant Expire?

Yes! Provided the terms of the covenant has been fulfilled, a covenant can also expire if one of the parties dies, such as is seen in marriage, when a partner dies, the other party is free from the covenant, and can remarry.

Importantly, God asked me to tell you that He will make a new covenant with you this day, He wants to single you out and bless you indeed on all sides

God asked me to tell you that He hasn’t forgotten the covenant and promises He made to you, therefore don’t give up, keep trusting in Him, for there shall surely be a performance of all He has said to you and concerning you! (Deuteronomy 9:13)

Father let your Word come to pass speedily in my life in this season in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
2. Father help me to hold on to you and your word till it manifest in my life in Jesus mighty name

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