The Power Of The Wisdom Of God By Pst. Charles Ezima

Table of Contents

Anytime the wisdom of God hit the Earth there is an heavenly materiality that is produced. Supernatural is giving birth. There are dispensation of time that God has been releasing his wisdom.

In Genesis 1, God said let us make man, then there was no man, so He said: “let us make man in our own image and likeness and he shall have dominion” and God did it.

In verse 28 God gave man power over the works of his hands, and in the production proper in Genesis 2 verse 7, the Lord formed man from the dust of the ground and breath the breathe of life into his nostril, and man became a living soul.

The wisdom of God dropped on the dust and dust became a living being. When God breathed, man was produced, blood started running in man, brain started work, God breathed into man’s nostrils but much more than that, God wanted Adam to have an understanding of what was happening to him but Adam didn’t know, he was just living the life and God said let me test this man to see whether he knows, so God gave him commandments “don’t eat of this tree if you do you will die”, Adam didn’t understand it and therefore he fell.

When God called Abraham he had an abrahamic covenant with him, so God said take a lamp for me and for yourself we want to make a covenant, let’s enter into a covenant

There was a covenant between God and Abraham because God wanted Abraham and his generation to understand Him

One man that understood the power,

privileges and rights of the covenant is David that was why when he met soldiers on the way with Goliath that looked like a mountain before them David said who is this uncircumcized Philistine.

He knew Goliath had no covenant with God, he was not circumcized. The people who had covenant with God were circumcized and that finished it.

David took it from the spirit realm, others looked at it from the physical realm saying: “this man so big how can we conquer” but David knew Goliath did not have the power of God, Goliath only has the power of natural man so David made up his mind to kill him as he killed the bear and lion.

Speaking of the birth of Jesus, the angel of God appeared to Mary and told her the good news of Christ

Mary said she had not known any man and angel said: “no it’s not by natural conception the Holy ghost will come upon you and the power of God will overshadow you and you will bring forth the son of God”

The wisdom of God hitting the earth to do something supernatural.

Let’s consider David in Psalm 27:1, He had the understanding, from verse 1, He said: The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?

That’s the understanding of the power of God.

All the other things He was saying was as a result of a man whom God is his light and has the light of God. He said: “When the wicked came around me, they stumbled and fell” this was because he had the light of God in him.

Proverbs 2:10-11: “when wisdom enters in thy heart and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul, understanding shall keep you” (paraphrased).

Adam did not have the understanding of whom God has made him, so he could not stand.

David had the understanding of whom God has made him, he fought several wars and lost none, David was the one that said in Psalm 16:5 that “the Lord is my portion “.

In verse 8, He said, I set the Lord always before me, He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. What an understanding! No wonder, he lost no battle.

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