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There’s no prevailing without travailing, when you run away from travail, you don’t prevail. When a woman push, the woman travails, after nine months of conception, the birth pang comes with pains. The birth pang comes with groaning, but that pain is a sign that joy is about to come, and all she needed at that time is to push.

Between the time of her pain of the birth pang and the time of her joy is the travailing period. Her failure to travail may or may not jeopardize her joy depending, but often time it’ll jeopardize her joy.

Until Jesus Christ made up His mind to travail, when he went to Gethsemane, it was so painful, He could only imagine, He wasn’t willing. Even though He knew that was the reason why he came; that was why he left his throne in heaven. But when the time to travail came, it was so painful that Jesus was almost opting out. He said, Lord, I wish this cup would pass over me.

On a second thought Jesus said, there’s a glory, there’s a joy, and He said; Lord nevertheless, not my will, but your will. He cried, He groaned in pain of travail. The work was not done at the cross of Calvary, the work was done at Gethsemane, that was where he finished it.

That is why the Bible say, “those who sow in tears shall reap in joy” (Psalm 126:5-6 KJV )
As you read this article, you may have been crying in your secret place. I have good news for you, Thus says the Lord: “you will soon be celebrated, the world will hear you”.

People may see you putting on beautiful clothes and looking very fine, during the day, but at night you are praying in tears, saying “Lord, when will this change come Lord?. When will this transformation come Lord?, When will this promise be fulfilled days are going, yes, they are going Lord. Don’t allow your name to be reproached in my life”.
This has been your prayer. God is saying to you that “your cry has come to me,”.

After Jesus Christ travailed and he prevailed, in Philippians 2:9 KJV, the bible says “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, In heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, To the glory of God the Father”.

As scriptures says: “God gave Christ” You are going to receive something after you travail, God is about to put something in your hand, God is about to wear you a crown, He is about to change your garment, He is about to give you something, I don’t know if you are seeing what I am seeing, you will be given something after you travail.

You will have a name, after you travail, if Christ was not exempted from travailing, no one can be exempted.

In order to prevail, you need to have an uncommon revelation about Christ like Peter in Matthew 16, when he declared that Jesus is the son of God. Christ confirmed that flesh and blood reveal this to him but it came by divine revelation, and because Peter was able to delve into the realm of the spirit to unravel this mystery about Christ, Jesus said to Simon Peter: “On this rock, will i build my church and the gate of hell will not prevail” Mathew 16:18 KJV.

Therefore according to the Words of Jesus Christ, no devil will silence the church, the devil cannot stop the church from progressing, and when I talk about the church, I’m talking about you. You are unstoppable. Even if you don’t believe it about yourself, I’m telling you, you are unstoppable.

No devil will stop you. It’s just a matter of days, weeks, and months, you will get there, you will prevail.

Weeping may endure for a night but wait for it, joy shall surely come in the morning.
As you are travailing, you will surely prevail in Jesus name.

Pray with me:
1. Father I thank you for I now know that whatsoever I am passing through is definitely going to end in my good
2. Lord I thank you because all things are working together for my good even in this season in Jesus name
3. Father I plead for your mercy in all ways I have gone against your will, let your mercy speak for me in Jesus name
4. Lord during my period of travailing, help me to learn all you want me to learn and help me to become as fine as refined gold in Jesus name
5. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers in Jesus name.

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