“…And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and he cast himself down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees,” (1 Kings 18: 42).
When Elijah went up to Mount Carmel to pray, he put his face between his knees, and cried to God in prayers. The head houses all the sensory organs- the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin. The sensory functions of sight, hearing, smelling, speech/tasting, and touching are all resident in the head. So, put differently, Elijah buried his senses in prayers.
Isn’t it true that sometimes, we come to God with all our senses intact? Sometimes, we view God’s abilities through the binoculars of what we hear, see, feel, perceive, or think.
Friend, bury your senses in God’s presence. Set aside what you have heard or seen, and whatever protocol that already exists; set aside every limiting thought; put aside your human calculations; your senses may be useful to you as a mere mortal, but in your dealings with God, put aside your senses and submit to God’s will and ability to make all things right.
God can do more than your senses can perceive; He can do what you have never seen, heard or touched. He is bigger than what your mind can fathom or conceive; He is bigger than what you have seen or heard; He is bigger than what mere mortals contrive or conceive; God is unlimited, and your senses cannot limit Him.
If Elijah could lay aside his senses in God’s presence, then you will be making a mistake if you hold on to yours. Set aside your senses; put your trust in God. If God didn’t disappoint Elijah, He won’t disappoint you.
Proverbs 3 vs. 5 counsels: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”
Pray With Me:
Lord, I lay aside my senses, and I put my trust in You, in Jesus’ name!