35 Prayers For My Children Salvation

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Matthew 19:14

Jesus however said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them; for it is to those who are childlike that the Kingdom of the Heavens belongs.”

Do you have children who are presently unsaved? Have you tried your best preaching the Word to them yet they keep refusing to believe? What you need is these 35 prayers for my children salvation, as you pray for your children this day, may the Lord arise to introduce himself to them in a unique way they will not be able to resist in Jesus name.

Salvation is a precious gift from God to humanity which is meant to reconcile men with God, unfortunately many children don’t recognize this, neither do they believe it, hence they reject it. While many reject it because they don’t want to stop living their lives in a certain way, others are simply blinded by the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4).

This is why it is important to pray fervently if you have any child or loved one who has not accepted the precious gift of God to mankind – salvation.

Salvation guarantees peace with God (Romans 5:1), it brings peace within oneself, gives one boldness to face challenges and empowerment to fight against the works of darkness.

Let’s proceed to the 35 Prayers For My Children Salvation

35 Prayers For My Children Salvation

1. Oh Lord I thank you for your mercy upon my children

2. Thank you for unfailing grace upon them since birth till now, blessed be your Holy name in Jesus name

3. Father I thank you for you have not given them to the destruction the devil plans for them

4. Thank you Lord for you are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all I am about to ask concerning my children

5. Lord I thank you because your word says the heart of the king are in thy hands, thank you because you are able to turn the heart of my children to align with your will for their lives in Jesus name

6. Thank you Jesus for your hand is reaching out to my children to bring unto them revelation, dream to enlighten them in Jesus name

7. Father arise and revealy yourself powerfully to my children

8. Oh Lord let their heart of stone be replaced with a heart of flesh that their heart may be receptive to your Word in Jesus mighty name

9. Father let every imagination, thought in my children that has hindered them from accepting Christ in Jesus name

10. Father please send godly friends my children way that they may teach and encourage my children in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

11. Oh Lord please arise to set my children free from every evil orchestration that has been done against them in time past in Jesus mighty name

12. Father please help me to lead good example as a believer that my children can desire to be saved in Jesus name

13. Lord let my words to my children be potent and powerful that they may believe that the gospel of Christ is real and powerful indeed

14. Lord please make me a solution provider to the problems of my children, that they may continuously see the need to be saved in Jesus name

15. Oh Lord touch their hearts, let them get tired of living life without you, let their heart yearn for direction and comfort, that they may find salvation in Jesus name

16. Father I ask that you destroy every veil of darkness that has covered their faces and help them to see the need to be saved in Jesus name

17. Oh Lord let their eyes and minds of understanding be enlightened that they may know the eternal benefits that are in salvation through Jesus Christ

18. Oh Lord please help them to get rid of sin and separate them from all evil associations by your power in Jesus name

19. Father please let the light of the gospel shine upon their hearts, and let them see you clearly as the only enduring source of joy

20. Let every other thing they rely on asides from you, fail them terribly, that they may seek help and as they seek help, please send people to preach the gospel to them in Jesus name

21. Lord let every word of the gospel that has been spoken to them be seeds that will germinate speedily in order to bear fruits of repentance in Jesus name

22. Holy Spirit please convict them of their own sins, help them to acknowledge their sins and depart from sinful living in Jesus name

23. Lord please give my children a genuine longing for your presence and power in the mighty name of Jesus

24. Father please bring them across youths that are burning for you, that they may see how they ought to live their lives in Jesus name

25. Every godly place you have placed around my children, please sustain their relationship and let nothing separate them in Jesus name

26. Father speak to my children in your mercy, help them to be established in your will in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

27. Help them to detest those sins they used to love in the past in Jesus name

28. Father as they turn to you, please make ways for them where there seems to be no way in Jesus name

29. Help them to daily desire your presence, and your word in Jesus name

30. Let the salvation of my children lead to the salvation of many other children in this season, in Jesus mighty name

31. Let your Word be powerfup on the lips of my children that wherever they go, souls shall be won for you in Jesus name

32. Father please make them light amongst their peers that others may know and believe that ypu are God

33. Lord please let your goodness and mercy follow them wherever they go and let all the works of their hands prosper greatly

34. As they accept Christ, please Lord help them not to be trapped into sin by their evil friends in Jesus name

35. Father please help them to abide in you and in your will till rapture in Jesus mighty name.

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