RACAD Highlights On John 11
One of the unique things about the gospel according to John is not just how he is able to show Jesus as both Messiah and God, but also his humanity.
Between chapter 1 and 11, we have seen John the Baptists testimony of Jesus as the lamb who takes away the sins of the world, we have seen His social life when he attended a wedding party at Cana, we have seen how he was tired after a long journey from Judea towards Galilee and had to take a rest by Jacob’s well, entering a deep conversation with a Samaritan woman, we have seen him concerned enough to insist on feeding a multitude of thousands that came to hear him even though his disciples felt he should send them away, we saw him healing the man that was born blind despite been hounded by the Jews with a threat to his life and now in today’s chapter we see him experience the loss of a loved one- Lazarus.
Even when the risk to his life was highest at this point, infact his disciples reminded him, but he chose to go to Bethany, just a few miles from Jerusalem to the grave of Lazarus.
Here Jesus wept!(at this point I am not dwelling on why he wept but am emphasising his humanity)
Heb 4:15 speaks to him being a high priest who understands our weaknesses. Highlighting some of his experiences makes it clearer then that he can relate to us perfectly in all our ups and downs of life in, ready to step in and turn things around if we believe and call upon him. In all these things, we remain more than conquerors through him.
He came through for Martha and Mary by raising up their brother from the dead. What is that situation that looks hopeless or you may have given up on as dead, Jesus the resurrection and the life is calling them forth today, they shall yet LIVE in Jesus name. Amen🙏🏽