Been Rapture Ready By Minister Wendy

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Important Facts To Ponder Upon About Rapture

As We Prepare For Rapture, these are important points we need to ponder On

Psalm 119:5

Verse 5 says – ” How I long for my life to bring YOU glory as I follow each and every one of YOUR HOLY precepts!”

How I long…. What does it mean to long for something?

To long for something is to have a very strong desire or yearning for something. It means to want something very much.

So there is a longing in the heart of this writer, a strong desire for his life, not any other life, not the life of brother, sister, family, friend, etc.

It is a strong desire for his life to bring GOD glory as he follows *each and every,* not some, not one or two, but *each and every of GOD’s instructions for living as outlined in HIS word.

So in other words, the writer is saying , I want very much that my behaviour and thoughts will bring GOD glory as the HOLY SPIRIT leads and guides me by YOUR word.

So the question for me here is , *how badly do I long for this? For my life to bring GOD glory?

Ask yourself: How genuinely do you long for your life to bring God glory?

The LORD confronted me this morning with a question. HE asked me a simple question. HE said, “what quality of disciples are we raising in our world today?”

Then HE asked specifically “what quality of disciple am I”?

Is it the kind that wears discipleship around as a badge of honour without the life to show for it?
Is it the type that makes compromising decisions here and there when no one is looking?

Is it the type that takes pride in being part of the labour, while belittling the need for shining CHRIST through my life..

The LORD said that the most important labour for me as a disciple is labouring to become like CHRIST.

Every other labour is secondary to that.
The LORD asked me, what is the specie of life the disciples of today carry? Challenging questions for me , they are.

And truly the LORD was addressing my heart. I used to think that just being called ”disciple” means something to be proud of.

I was beginning to forget that it is the kind of life I carry and showcase on a daily basis that qualifies me or that determines whether or not I am HIS disciple.

Verse 5 is talking about a kind of disciple, the kind whose utmost concern, whose intense longing or desire is to please GOD and bring glory to HIM by his lifestyle.

So the question the LORD asked me is real, what quality of disciple am I? Am I the kind verse 5 of Psalm 119 is talking about?

The LORD went further to assure me of one thing, that surely as the earth remains, seed time and harvest shall not cease.

HE said at the time when the seed planted should have borne fruit and the fruit is expected to have matured in each life(depending on when the seed was planted), the sower will come to collect.

The sower will come to gather HIS harvest and HE will be looking for only one thing, CHRIST in man, CHRIST in me.

And if HE does not find it in me HE will move on, because HIS intention is to gather his kind.

He will not be gathering my works, my achievements for HIM, my belongings.

No, HIS only desire is to gather HIS kind, CHRIST in me is all He will be looking for.

HE said at the same time satan will also come to gather his kind. Every man on earth will fall into either of the two kinds. It is either I resemble HIM or I resemble the devil. There is no sitting on the fence. And the one I resemble will claim his kind.

GOD have mercy!!!!!

More than ever before, GOD is longing intensely and looking for HIS kind on planet earth.*

This one has become a matter in my heart.

Fear gripped my heart, a sudden burden for my soul and the souls of men alike.

This Christianity, this narrow path I have decided to follow is not a joke. It is either I go in fully or I don’t follow at all.

There is no longer room for discipleship as usual. There is no longer room for discipleship as the latest trend in town, there is no longer room for discipleship as a group effort( we are the ones doing this kind of discipleship).

There is no longer room for discipleship that merely carries words but is devoid of the correct specie of life.

This and NOW is the time to work out my own salvation first with fear and trembling. With a strong desire to bring glory to GOD in all I do, say and think, as I give regard to all the instructions and leadings of the HOLY SPIRIT.

Guarding jealously my personal relationship with the LORD.

But as usual, I have no other source of help besides YOU HOLY SPIRIT. If YOU do not help my life in my labour to become like CHRIST, I am doomed. No help can come from any other source for us brethren.


1. Please help me HOLY SPIRIT. I cannot do this without YOUR help.

2. When YOU come to gather YOUR own LORD I want to be a part of the number YOU will be gathering.

3. Help me to continually burn and yearn for YOU LORD. Help me to become obsessed with obeying YOUR word and becoming like YOU. I want to become addicted to knowing YOU LORD and obeying YOUR every word. Help me HOLY SPIRIT, please help me.

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Mark 11

THOUGHTS ON MARK 11 Looking through this chapter brings to fore the topic for one of our training Sundays: “Achieving results- the power of focus”.

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