Bible Commentaries On 1 Samuel 22

Psalm 12&14

Table of Contents


1. Between 1Sam16 and 1Sam 22, the young David has passed through a life transforming experience, he never envisaged in his life.

2. From a mere shepherd boy, to becoming anointed of the LORD, to killing Goliath, to becoming the King’s son-in-law and the King’s favorite and Captain in the king’s Army, one would be quick to say that David has “arrived”.
No more tending flocks, but captaining a whole nation’s army, winning battles left and right and being everyone’s favourite, along with all the benefits attached. This anointing must be very good. He never thought GOD could favour him this way.

3. No sooner had he settled into this great life style than a real problem came up – His best cheer leader, the King himself, whose favour had brought him to such great repute became jealous of him and turned against him. The king wanted him dead. Where do you run from the King of your country, when he has set everyone on your look out?

4. When the anointing upon your life becomes threatened, When the source of your joy becomes a thing of distress, When everyone avoids you because relating with you will jeopardize their own chances of survival, Where do you turn to? What can you do? How can you call back the anointing, especially after series of fastings and prayers could not change the situation? Or would you wish the anointing to leave you so that you can return to how you were before, unknown, unsung but leaving out your life quietly and contending with challenges you can handle?.

5. This was the situation, David found himself and having done all he knew to do, yet no respite, he chose to flee. It was under these great challenges that he composed most of his greatest psalms. He had nothing with him: No weapon, no virtuals. He had to practically lie to get some few loaves and sword from the priest. He ran from King Saul, to the stronghold of Adullam, a mountainous hide out, to live in the cave.

6. An army general in one day and a fugitive the next, for no fault of his, rather for being excellent in his duties. He was desolate, confused, perplexed and overwhelmed with the whole development. Then, as if that was not enough, one after the other, people searched him out for solace. He could not even hide successfully. And the people that came, did not bring him solution, rather they all came, broken. Not one or two, but 400 of them. Who comes to a broken man for help?

7. Did he know how to meet each of their needs? Did he know how they will feed? Did he not know that that large number will attract attention and lead his pursuer to him? Yet, David took them all in. It was this singular quality that endeared him to GOD.

He did not use his own moment of weakness as an excuse to reject people who were in need. He showed himself as a Shepherd, indeed. He had severally endangered his own life to save the lives of weak and helpless lambs; here he was, true to form, embracing the helpless even when he himself was in no better state. To him, reaching out to the helpless was a habit.


1. Our christian faith is the best thing that could ever happen to us, no doubt, but it will surely be tested and we do not know when and how.
2. In our moment of testing, we should never give up hope or deny our faith
3. Sometimes GOD’s answers to our prayers are packaged as ‘ embarrassment, troubles and unnecessary baggages”. But if only we could embrace them, we will discover that in doing so, is the key to our rising and shining and becoming more than conquerors.
4. It is in the place of trials and testing that the LORD develops and builds our capacity.
5. In due season when we have been tested and tried and passed, GOD will fight for us and make our enemies, our footstool
6. Never put your trust and hope in man.The best of men can change drastically. Put your trust in GOD alone who never changes.

– Oh LORD open my eyes to see opportunities, where others see challenges.
– Oh LORD, strengthen me and grant me grace to endure when my moment of trial comes upon me.

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