Thoughts On Psalm Chapter 40
Themes: Patience, trust, deliverance and answered prayer.
This Psalm of David begins with a testimony of answered prayer after he had cried to the LORD for deliverance for a long time!
Verse 1:
“I waited patiently for the LORD; and He inclined unto me and heard my cry.”
Here, we are made to understand that David waited for the LORD until He answered him. He did not go to look for help from anybody else or gods when God did not answer him immediately. He waited PATIENTLY until his answer came!
This shows that David had no other god apart from Jehovah. Just like Jacob as recorded in Deuteronomy 32 :12, “So the LORD alone did lead him and there was no strange god with him.”
David had an absolute trust in his God and God delivered him from all his troubles!
Brethren, in this season of walking and basking in glory, let us avoid any form of distraction and focus on God completely. As He answered our Patriarchs of old , David and Jacob and others because of their absolute trust in God, He will answer us also in Jesus’ Mighty Name! Amen!
Verses 2 and 3 of this chapter reminded me of a song:
” My heart was distressed
Neath Jehovah’s dread frown!
And low in the pit where my sins dragged me down,
I cried to the LORD from the deep miry clay,
Who tenderly brought me out to golden day!
He brought me out of the miry clay!
He set my feet on the Rock to stay.
He put a song in my soul today,
A song of praise!
This remarkable deliverance of David will persuade many to trust in the LORD. David testified that no one can compare with the LORD!
In verses 7 and 8, David declared as also quoted in Hebrews 10:7 about Jesus: ” Then said I, lo I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.”
Brethren, it is a righteous thing to testify of God’s goodness in a great congregation and by so doing, we are doing the will of God because it will strengthen the faith of the brethren and will also encourage others to come to God (soul winning).
This is what David said in verses 9 and 10:
” I have preached righteousness in the great congregation: lo I have not refrained my lips, O LORD, thou knowest.
” I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart; I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation: I have not concealed thy loving kindness and thy truth fom the great congregation.”
After David had done the will of God by telling others about the great things God has done for him, he continued to trust God for future victories.
From verses 11 to 17, David concluded with a passionate plea for help continually.
People of God , let us learn to tell others about the goodness of God in our lives!
The song writer says in the hymn book, ” Oh brother have you told how the LORD forgave? Let us hear you tell it over once again. Then down the lines, he said,
“Ye ransomed of the LORD, try a soul to win, let us hear you tell it over once again.”
Let us not conceal our testimonies. It is a sign of ingratitude when we do so.
The world is waiting to hear those great testimonies with the voice of thanksgiving!
Abba Father, we thank You for Your faithfulness, love and mercies we have enjoyed over the years!
We pray O God, help us to always be grateful to You by telling others of Your goodness in our lives and families.
Thank You Father for the past victories and deliverances You have given us!
We will never be ungrateful to You O LORD!
Help us to trust You more for the future victories in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name! Amen!