Bible Commentary 2 Kings 14

Psalm 12&14

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2 KINGS 14


This is a continuation of the Chronicles of the reign and rule of different kings of Israel and Judah.

Amaziah took over the throne of his father, Joash who was assassinated.

Initially, he tried to keep up the good works of his father by following the laws of GOD. This led to the LORD giving him victory over his enemies. Then he challenged Jehoash, the king of Israel to war and was defeated.

2 kings 14 was vague about what could have made him loose favour with GOD so much so that GOD allowed Israel to defeat him.

Though 2kings14 stated that Amaziah though he initially tried to walk in the way of the LORD, he didn’t fully put his whole mind to it.

However 2 Chronicles25 was more detailed in supplying the missing lines. After the LORD gave him victory over the Edomites, King Amaziah not only captured their idols but began to worship them. This infuriated the LORD and HE turned away from Amaziah.

Obviously because from onset Amaziah was not fully commited to following the LORD so he became vulnerable to falling into temptation when under pressure.

This is the pattern of those who are neither hot nor cold in following the LORD. The LORD gave a definite warning to all those who are neither here or there, that if they do not retrace their steps, he would spew them out Rev2:15.

That was what the Lord did to Amaziah when he turned to serve idol, especially when he felt he was at his strongest. King Amaziah failed to understand that all the victories he was having were all by the power of GOD.

This is a wake up call for us to ensure our faith is not shaky but firmly rooted in CHRIST, especially when things are going super for us.


Dear LORD, you are the author and finisher of my faith, grant me grace to hold on to you no matter what in the mighty name of JESUS, Amen

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