Thoughts On Nehemiah 6
Theme: Identifying And Dealing With Distractions And Threats
Nehemiah 6:3b “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you”
This chapter recounts the various efforts made by Sanballat and Geshem to lure Nehemiah out of the work of repairing the walls of Jerusalem, with intention to harm him and Nehemiah’s firm resolve to let nothing distract him from continuing the work at hand.
Sanballat’s strategy was to appear friendly enough to gain Nehemiah’s trust so that he can agree to meet up with them, but Nehemiah put the work of GOD first. The strategy was to keep persisting till he breaks down Nehemiah’s resolve. 4 times they sent him the same invitation. And 4 times, Nehemiah still chose the work of GOD first.
When the friendly approach with persistency did not work, they now showed their true colour; they sent him a letter of threat, accusing him wrongly and threatening to report him to the king if he does not come for a negotiation. Nehemiah still did not bulge but made sure he answered them to put the records straight.
Sanballat now tried another tactics; he used reputable men in the nation and prophets to raise false prophecy with the intention to make Nehemiah afraid and take a wrong decision. In all these, Nehemiah did not bulge.
When that failed, he also enlisted Tobias with messages that was supposed to make him afraid.Tobias was a son in law to the jews. He had done many great things for the new nation.
In all these, Nehemiah remained resolute till all the work was completed. The nations surrounding them were greatly astonished because they realized that it could have only been GOD that could make them complete such a project in such short while considering the enormity of the task and all the attacks and discouragements they faced.
1. Genesis 3: 1
Now the serpent was more subtle than any other wild creature that the LORD had made. He said to the woman, “Did GOD say ,you shall not eat of any tree of the garden?”
2. Acts 21:11b
So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this girdle and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles”
3. 1 kings 13:18
I also am a prophet as you are, and an angel spoke to me by the word of the LORD, saying….” But he lied to him.
4. Luke 9:61 – 62
And another said, I will follow you LORD, but let me first say farewell to those at home”. JESUS said to him, “No one who puts his hands to the plough and looks back is fit for the kingdom of GOD”
5. Acts 4: 18, 20
So they called them and charged them not to speak or teach at all in the name of JESUS, but Peter and John said —- we cannot but speak of what we have heard and seen”
1. Serve GOD with Focus and determination. Whatever assignment GOD has placed in your hand, do not allow any distractions or threat be enough reason to delay or quit. A delay could just be what the devil would need to completely lead to a break down.
2. Understand that there is no knowing the extent the devil will go to get us to give up on our faith or slow down on our service to GOD. He can even use fellow brethren or even ministers we respect to try and derail us or enter into error. 1king13:18b
3. What can constitute distractions can come camouflaged as enemies seeking repentance, ‘opportunity to minister salvation”, prophecies from men of GOD, an issue sounding very urgent.
4. Do not look back when your hand is put on a plough
5. There is always a reward from GOD for those who diligently seek him to obey him, allowing no distractions.
6. In all we do, we must prioritize everything clamoring for our attention to know which one should be first.
Prayer Points
1. Father, shed your love afresh, abroad in my heart to enable me love you with all my heart
2. Dear LORD, no matter the distractions, grant me the grace to start, continue and finish any assignment you have given to me
3. Dear LORD put to shame everyone who has camouflaged as a helper who indeed is an agent of satan to disable your work in me.
4. Thank you LORD for giving us your word to guide us