Bible Commentary On Psalm 104

Psalm 12&14

Table of Contents

Reflections On Psalms 104

Today, we study the Book of Psalms Chapter One hundred and Four aptly referred to as “praise to the sovereign lord for his creation and providence”

This Psalms affirms the Greatness of The Lord as THE MAKER OF ALL THINGS – Humanity and the rest of creation.

Truly, The Lord is the “CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE”


All Things Bright & Beautiful

Key Scripture

Psalms 104:24

O Lord, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of Your possession.”


Creator Of The Universe

The Bible introduced God as a CREATOR – “In the Beginning God CREATED”

(Genesis 1:1)

The Bible also testified in Genesis 14:19 as Melchizedek referred to God The Most High as the “Creator & Possessor of heaven and earth”

Psalms 24:1 also affirmed that “The earth is the Lord’s, and all its Fullness, The world and those who dwell therein”

Indeed, The Lord merits our Praise and worship to acknowledge the wisdom & love demonstrated to the Human race for creating The universe as a wonderful ecosystem for the benefit and survival of mankind!


Psalms 104 listed Wondrous Creations :

* The Waters

* The Mountains

* The Valleys

* The Grass

* The Cattle

* The Trees

* The Birds

* And More…


A Call to Duty

As we join the Psalmist to bless the Lord for His Benevolence to us as Humans and “The Redeemed of the Lord”, we MUST accept “CERTAIN RESPONSIBILITIES”:

1. Bless the Lord

(Psalms 104:1)

2. Act as “Custodians” of the Creations of The Lord as mandated in Genesis 1:26-28

3. “Mankind was mandated to “Work and take care of God’s Garden”

(Genesis 2:15)

4. Protect the Orderliness and sustain The Environment

5. Appreciate the “GLORY OF THE LORD” as nature exhibits (Ps. 19:1)


“BLESS THE LORD, O MY SOUL” (Psalms104:1)

We are to continuously acknowledge the POWER & GLORY of God.

Mankind especially Believers are expected to be “GOOD STEWARDS” of the “MASTER’S ESTATE”

Avoid the abuse of the ORDER created by Jehovah thereby averting NATURAL DISASTERS & CLIMATE CHANGE.


1. Father, we are grateful as we see the stars of heaven, and the beauty of the sunset.

2. We thank you for the seas, waterways and the aquatic wonders provided as companions and food for mankind.

Bless The Lord, O my soul! Praise The Lord!!

(Psalms 104:35)

Let Us Sing Together

All Things Bright & Beautiful,

All creatures Great & Small,

All things Wise & Wonderful,

The Lord God made them ALL.



Psalms 104:24-25

Genesis 1:1

Genesis 1:26-28

Genesis 2:15

Genesis 14:19

Psalms 24:1

Psalms 19:1

Psalms 104:1

Psalms 104:35

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