Bible Commentary On Psalm 117

Psalm 12&14

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Thoughts On Psalm 117

Theme: A call for a global praise and worship of the only True and Living God.

Psalm 117 is the shortest Psalm. It has only two verses. It is also the shortest chapter in the Bible.
The author is anonymous.

This Psalm 117 is like Psalm 113 and Psalm 47 is devoted entirely to the theme of global worship of the true and living God.

The Psalm 117 calls all nations and all peoples to worship the LORD. The reason given for worship is the covenantal love God has displayed toward Israel.

” O PRAISE the LORD, all ye nations: praise Him all ye people. For His merciful kindness is great toward us and the truth of the LORD endureth forever. Praise ye the LORD!”

In this Psalm the gentiles are invited to join in the praise of God.
Christians view this as a fulfilment of God’s promise of mercy to the gentiles pointing to God’s promise that all nations will be blessed in the seed of Abraham who we all believe is Christ as described in the letter to the Galatians. Galatians 3:26-29.

This Psalm emphasizes that all the earth belongs to God and that the division between the Jews and the Gentiles are not the division that ought to prevail in the world as it is written in Psalm 24:1, “The earth is the LORD’S and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein.”

This Psalm tells you to praise the LORD for it addresses you when you read it. The LORD wants your praise because He knows that praising Him is good for you. Psalm 67:5-7.
We are blessed when we praise God.

Father, we thank You for making us a people of Your praise!
Thank You Father for inhabiting our praise!
Father, give us a heart of gratitude that we may praise You all of our days in Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name! Amen!

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