Big Things Usually Start Small By Elder Kunle Okelola

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Matthew 14:14- “And they said, We have no more but five loaves and two fishes; except we should go and buy meat for all this people”

Everybody sometimes somewhere started small, you are not what you were in the last year, we are all moving from one level of glory to another level of glory so even if we started small by Gods grace we are increasing, these few minutes i have with you, I am going to use bible study approach to show you why big things start small, however the real message today is that; its not only big things that start small, for a man to achieve big things, the man will need to change.

Things don’t just happen, they are made to happen, therefore if you are doing something at a level before and you want to go to another level, then you need to change.

A truck is designed to carry heavy load, a van is designed to carry people and sedan cars are created to carry a few set of people, so if a car wants to carry the load of a truck, there will be a problem.

Let me tell you a story, in my family, our grandmothers used to yab our fathers well, no offense, our mothers also yab our fathers, no offense, speaking of our wives, they yab us also.

So, one day I was joking with my wife, she then reminded me that when I approached her, I didn’t have anything, I wondered: you mean I didn’t have anything at all? Well, I was later comforted 😅

Then the Holy Spirit told me something, it is written in Job 8:7 it says: “though thy beginning was small (insignificant), yet they latter end should greatly increase”

God expects things to start small, but you must increase greatly, so small beginnings are not unusual, instead they are normal.


Small beginnings are not unusual, they are very normal, it will be an abnormal thing if you have a new born baby and on day one, the baby becomes an adult, it’s surely scary.

So it’s normal for small things to happen when you start, hence the Bible frowns against despising the days of little beginnings

I mentioned this because it’s actually true, many of us who seem to dress well today were not like this, some 25 years ago, we used to look like bush men 😂, dressed in different un-matching colors 😁, but guess what, our wives accepted us the way we were and today, we are doing better in all aspects of life.

Do not despise the days of humble beginning, a man or woman may not look like someone you want for a lifetime partner today, but with the help of God such person can become better in life.

I know a sister who rejected a particular brother, seven years later, she was still single and the brother too was still single, so they met and the brother said “I once asked you out but you declined”, the sister then replied and said”I am ready now, because I can see you and I are better now”

So they got married, after seven years.

According to the passage we read earlier, Jesus was ready to do a miracle, but someone mentioned that there are only five loaves of bread and two fishes, “but what are they among so many?” (Matthew 14)

Everybody in this life has potential even if they do not know it, if you despise your potential, it will be difficult for you to fulfil purpose, importantly, you must avoid discouragers because in the seed is the promise.

A bird for instance is designed to fly, so in the little egg that became the bird, the potential to fly was already there.

In the things of God, what you see most time is the potential but not everybody can recognize the potential in others.

At times you may be in the main church and your assignment is actually in the children church but you want to be on the pulpit, no! Stay where you are, do that little work that you are given to do, while bishop Oyedepo of the Winners Chapel was celebrating his 70th birthday, I discovered that most of the people, with him now have been there (with him in ministry) over 30 years ago.

So there’s a starting point for everyone.

The message is about big things starting small but do you know that big things do not start themselves, when Nicodemus went to Jesus He said: “these miracles that you do, cannot be done by anyone except God be with him” John 3:2.

In making this passage, Jesus made Nicodemus understand that it’s not the doing that makes things to happen it’s the being”, it has to do with you, So to go from one level of glory to the next glory (that is to move from the days of little beginnings to greatness) some things have to happen

In fact in the kingdom of God, getting blessings from God has never been a problem, it is you receiving divine blessings from God that can be an issue

 Some people cannot manage little things, so it’s hard for God to entrust them with riches

It is your capacity to manage that determines your allocation from heaven.

God is never stingy with His blessings, we are the ones defaulting in building capacity to manage more blessings. For example if a young lady marries at age 16, can she really perform well as a married woman and mother?

So you need to learn and pray that God will give you the capacity you need to carry and maintain His blessings in your life,

It is who you are that determines what you can do.

If you have not been transformed into the right capacity to carry God’s blessing, you will either mess up the blessing or ruin it.


1. God help me to build capacity in order to be able to carry the blessing you have in store for me in Jesus name.

If you look at our educational system, the rule is you must pass a particular course before you go to the next, so also you must be ready before God can entrust real blessing into your hands.

To move as a man from small to big is faithfulness, that’s why the Bible said in Luke 16:11 “If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?”

The same rule we use in the World sometimes applies In the kingdom of God, one of those is: “proper preparation prevents poor performance” in the kingdom of God, God does something, it’s called process.

The way God takes a man from one level to the next is called process.

It means been tested, adjusted, before been promoted

In lamentation 3:27- “it is good for a man to bear the yoke in his youth”

It means that it is important for a man to do the right things at the right time. If a man does not subject himself to discipline at the right time, he will be a problem to his family at the long run.

Small things cannot become big if we don’t apply or follow the right process

The principle we are following is that God takes us from ordinary potential to be given a platform to exhibit our potential, it is not the ultimate it’s only a platform to use our potential just as it was said about Christ: “Jesus submitted himself to learn obedience through suffering” (Hebrews 5:8)

Jesus learnt while waiting for the day of His manifestation, Jesus endured process because He understood His purpose; that He came to the World to do one particular thing; to reconcile mankind with God.

When the training became tougher in the garden of Gethsemane Jesus understood that He was on an assignment and He can’t even abandon His call

Devil also presented him with a short cut but Jesus Christ refused it and insisted on going God’s way till His mission was complete on earth.

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