Pst. Captain Adetula previously talked about open doors, remember that our Father in the Lord, Rev. Dr. P.J.A Olaiya has already declared that 2023 shall be our year of open doors, and open doors we will all experience in the name of Jesus Christ.
Something happened in 2007, so in that year, we (my company) opened a branch at Opebi and we also opened the second wing of our main branch in Abuja and added a third branch at Garki Hospital in Abuja, so in 2007, we opened 3 branches in quick succession and things became very tight because the new branches were not making enough revenue to pay their own bills and we had to sustain them from elsewhere, so things were really tight.
I was speaking to a friend, complaining to her, how things were difficult, as at then she used to be our account officer in the bank, though she was not such a deep Christian, she said something to me that I never forgot, I was complaining looking for who to console me, that we were passing through hard times, and this dear sister whom I know as at then was not a serious Christian said to me; let us thank God, that God opened a door and you entered, she said you know God opened door for some people and they closed the door back on God and walked away
Oh my goodness! This coming from a sister who is not really a serious Christian sister in church, I immediately knew the Holy Spirit was speaking to me through her and that was the end of my complain, I began seeing it as an open door and today, the Opebi branch- one of those new branches we opened in 2007, happens to be our headquarter branch.
When my foreign partners came and saw the place, they said our headquarter is moving to Lagos, originally the headquarter was supposed to be in Abuja, so I tell you, it was an open door, and today the name of the Lord is glorified.
We shall experience open doors in Jesus mighty name. I tell you the door for some people are opened already. I declare your doors are opened already and you will enter therein, in Jesus mighty name.
This morning I want to speak to you quickly on engaging the overcoming power of the Word of God, you may also call it engaging the prevailing power of the word of God.
Growing up in Kaduna, having started my career as a young doctor, I also began to hear that in this country, you can only make it depending on the people you are connected to, so I had some friends then and we began to pursue after people.
There was one man in particular that we were pursuing that time, he was one of the king makers in the Zaria Emirates, based in Kaduna, a prominent person, though late now.
We wrote a proposal, because we were to start up a pharmaceutical company, and we began to pursue this man, then I would go to his house because his family was our patient in the hospital where I work so I had a little bit of access but sometimes I will have to stand at the gate for a considerable length of time before he would order the gate to be opened to me, and after going severally, I discovered that we were not making progress, I changed my mind.
I understood that if I was going to make it, it won’t be by chasing after people, i began to understand again through this ministry not elsewhere that if I have to make it, I needed to chase after God, so I changed my orientation and I began to chase after God.
In chasing after God I also discovered that it’s not just showing up, the Word of God has to make a meaning. Initially for those who are a bit old in this ministry, we then got ourselves involved and engaged in confessing the Word, we were taught how to confess the Word of God.
So we were confessing the Word but after a while, I also saw that confessing the Word only was not doing the magic, and so I decided again that I will to look into the matter on what will make it work.
This morning what made it work in my life is what I will be sharing with you. Say to your neighbor; the Word works! But there is a way that it will work.
In Acts 9:20, the bible says, so mightily grew the word of God and it prevailed, and I tell you the word will prevail in your life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
The Word of God prevailed In my life and in my family, oh I tell you we were very poor, we had a relationship with poverty, a very close relationship at that, so again as a young doctor, my first job was in a private hospital where my salary was N6000 and this was in 1994/1995. I had dependents, my wife too had dependents, we had people in school, my wife also had a job, but by the time we put everything together it was not amounting to much, it was very meager.
To let you know when we had our wedding, because soon after school we got married, so after our wedding, we were owing about N50,000 and in 1994, N50,000 was a lot of money so we spent the next 1 year plus, paying off the N50,000 debt.
There was a family we owed N2000, and normally, we would pass the front of their house to go to NL17, but because we had not paid the money, that time we would follow a longer road. That’s how poor we were,
Even when we had finished paying, in 1997, we were to buy a car, we saw one Mercedes 200, as it was in vogue then, we got the price, the price was N170,000, meanwhile, this car was to be bought with car loan from the hospital where I was working but even at that, the car loan was not enough to buy the car, so I went to church to meet Pastor Ampitan of blessed memory, and I asked that I needed a loan of N30,000, don’t forget that I’m taking car loan from one side and I need another loan from the church to complete the payment, so Pastor Ampitan looked at me and said, he has heard.
Pastor Ampitan discussed the matter with Pst Babarinsa and Pastor Babarinsa approved that the money should be given to me, but Late Pastor Ampitan asked that where will Dr. Benson get the N30,000 to pay? He didn’t want to lose church money on me, so Pastor Babarinsa stood in for me and assured to pay the money in case I default.
Upon this I was given N30,000 so we put all the money together and i bought the entire car on credit, the car did not have power steering so when we were driving it, we needed anointing and power to drive it and that is how my wife learnt driving with it, my mechanic said we could do something about the steering so he give me a power steering pump of N3000, but even when we fixed it, the car would drop oil wherever I packed it, and that was how we were driving it.
So I knew what poverty was first hand but I saw that through the instrumentality of the word of God, poverty can be overcome, the Word of God in my life prevailed against poverty and lack, and I know it will prevail in your life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
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