Fire In My Bones By Pst. Jide Areegbe

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The topic for this day is Fire in my goals with your respect to evangelism and we will proceed as the Holy Spirit leads.

The bible says in Jeremiah 20, I believe you know Jeremiah was a man that God began to speak to very early in his life, and as God began to speak to him, he didn’t understand what God was saying, then in Jeremiah 25, God began to tell him, “Jeremiah while you were still in your mother’s womb, I knew you, I sanctified you, and I ordained you a prophet to the nations”

Maybe Jeremiah was trying to do something else so God had to speak to him today the Lord will speak to your destiny in Jesus mighty name amen

Jeremiah told God: “I cannot do that, I don’t have what it takes”.

God told Jeremiah that he must do what he has commanded him to do, then God put his finger on Jeremiah’s mouth and God’s fire touched his tongue, then from that time he began to prophesy, he started from chapter 1, 2 and continued.

In chapter 20 he said something very important. He said: “then I said I will not make mention of him nor speak anymore in his name but his word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones and I was weary with for bearing and I could not stay”.

Jeremiah said I got to a point where I said I will stop talking about God and why did he say that? the answer is in verse 8 starting from verse 7, “thou has deceived me and I was deceived, thou hath stronger than I and has prevailed, I am in derision daily everyone mocketh me”.

God promised Jeremiah: “I will be with you, though the people I am sending you to are rebellious people who will not listen to you and they may punish you but I will be there to help, to protect you” however, after sometime Jeremiah experienced some afflictions he could not describe, then he said: “I’m not going to preach, prophesy or do your will”.

Jeremiah then said but the relationship between me and God has gotten to a level where I can no longer say no. May you get to that level this day in Jesus mighty name.

So your relationship with God must get to a point where even if you want to go back, you can’t go back, because you are charged with fire and why is this fire necessary? Let’s look back a bit, into the book of Genesis 3.

Looking from Genesis chapter 1 through to 3, the bible helps us to understand that God made man in His own image and after His own likeness, then God put man in the garden (Genesis 2) and He told man: everything in this garden belongs to you except the tree in the centre of the garden, the tree d the knowledge of good and evil” He said you can eat and use from any of the trees, but don’t eat the fruits from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” and man agreed.

As man continued his walk, God saw that it was not good for man to be alone, I will make a suitable helper for him and God gave him a wife, and then they began to live together, because in Genesis 3, the bible says: “Now the serpent” who is the serpent? The bible calls him Lucifer, that old dragon, the devil.

So he appeared in the garden and deceived them, they obeyed him and that was the beginning of the trouble of man.

But God said in Genesis 3, that He will send the seed of the woman to correct this problem.

So God began to raise people from that time, to accomplish the purpose of delivering man from sin, so we see people like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and many prophets coming up in the bible.

Then Isaiah came and began to say that a virgin is going to conceive, and people were wondering how that can be possible.

And then 700 years later, after the prophecy of Isaiah, Jesus Christ was born and an angel came and told Joseph, Christ’s Father that he should not put away his wife, the woman he was about to marry, because the pregnancy she was carrying is of the Holy Spirit, and that she would give birth to a son, and His name shall be called: Jesus for He shall save his people from their sins.

So Jesus Christ came only to do one thing, He came to save you and I from our sins, because the problem we are going through today all over the World was caused by sin, every problem you see on earth was caused by sin.

God said in Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve sinned, God told Eve: “look at what you have done”. By this statement, God was simply telling Eve, “look at the troubles you have caused for humanity, look at the sickness, look at wars, look at divorces, broken homes destructions, and afflictions your actions are going to bring.

So God started this process and God waited for 4000 years working hard to bring forth the messiah on the earth.

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